
发布 2023-03-08 18:52:28 阅读 6500

unit 4 where’s my schoolbag?


介词:是用以放在名词或代词之前,表明该名词或与其词之间某种关系的一类词。(不能单独使用,需与某一名词或代词等搭配成介宾短语)( on \ in \ under ) eg:

on the bed

方位介词in, on与under的用法

1. in表示“在……中;在……里”,指在某个空间的内部。

in our class 在我们班里 in my bag 在我书包里。

2. on表示“在……上”,通常指一个人或物在另一个人或物体的上面,两者之间有接触面。

on the wall 在墙上 on the floor 在地板上。

3. under表示“在……下”,通常指一个人或物在另一个人或物体的垂直下方,两者之间没有接触。

under the chair 在桌子下 under the tree 在树下。


1、 构成:方位介词 + the + 名词。

in the classroom ,on the desk ,under the chair

注意:名词前已有作定语的this, that, my, your, some, any, each, every等代词,则不用冠词。

in my bedroom , under lucy’s book ,2、易混介词短语:

1)in bed和on the bed

in bed表示因病卧床或躺在床上,短语中的bed不指具体的某张床,故前不加冠词;on the bed表示“在某张床上”

2)in the wall和on the wall

in the wall表示某物镶嵌在墙内或在墙上打洞、钉等;on the wall表示某物在墙的表面上,如图画、钟表、黑板等。

3)on the news*****和in the news*****

on the news*****指报纸表面上的东西;in the news*****表示报纸上的内容。

4) on the tree和in the tree

on the tree表示树本身的动词,如树叶、果实等;in the tree表示不是树本身的东西,如树上的小鸟等。

3、用法。1) 描述物品的位置:

主语 + be(am/ is / are) +方位介词短语。

i am in the classroom.

tom’s coat is on the chair.

the books are in the bookcase.



the backpack is under the table.

where is the backpack?

2) 谈论物品的位置。

where’s + 单数物品where are + 复数物品?

it’s + 介词短语they’re + 介词短语。

1) where’s the baseball? it’s in the backpack. 棒球在哪?在背包里。

2) where’s my computer game? it’s under the bed.

3) where are your books? they’re on the chair.

4) where are the keys? they’re on the dresser.

which ball is jack’s?

练习:一、用方位介词in, on, under填空。

1. –is your bookthe floor?

--yes, it is.

2. the birds are __the tree.

3. there are some applesthe tree.

4. my mother isthe kitchen.

5. my football shoes arethe bed.

6. there is a mapthe wall.

7. the boy is illbed.

8. your books arethe backpack.

9. a cat isthe chair.

10. there is a dog eating foodthe table.

11. there is a kitethe bed.





1. take sb/sth to + 地点:把某人/某物带到某地。1) 把书带到学校。

take sth to sb 把某物带给某人2) 把书带给他。

2. can you bring some things to school? 你能带些东西到学校吗?


take “带走,拿走”表示从近处带到远处,从说话者的地方带到别的地方。

1) 请给我带块橡皮擦2)请把这些书带给你妹妹。

3. some和any(一些)

1) some一般用于肯定句,any用于否定句和疑问句


我没有书。i don’t h**e ( books.

do you h**e ( books? 你有一些书吗?

2) 在表示请求、建议、征求意见等委婉语气的疑问句中,用some而不用any。

can you bring some things to school? 你能带些东西到学校吗?

would you like ( apples? 你想要一些苹果吗?


1. —where’s the pencil case?

it’s __

a. on the floor b. under the table c. on the table d. in the backpack

2. can you bring my hat to school? i __it.

a. take b. bring c. need d. know

3. —what’s that?

it’s __alarm clock. _alarm clock is jim’s.

a. a; the b. an; the c. the; the d. an; an

4. two books, a pen and an eraser are in the __

a. tape b. ring c. drawer d. chair

5. —where are your keys?

___are in the dresser.

a. you b. they c. these d. those

6. look! _video tape is on that desk.

a. some b. this c. first d. your

7. can you take the books __here?

a. to b. for c. in d. /

8is in the bookcase?

a book.

a. where b. what color c. what d. what number

9under the tree? no,they aren’t.

a.where are b.what is c.are they d.is it

10.——where are your brothers

a.he is at homeb.he is in his room

c.yes,they ared.i don’t know

11. mary and gina are my cousinsfather works in dongfeng company.

a. their b. they c. them d. theirs

12. ithink theyten.

a. don’t, are b. /aren’t c. doesn’t, are d. don’t, aren’t

13. mary is tidytom is not.

a. and b. then c. or d. but

14. there is a picturethe wall. there is a hole __the wall, too.

a. on, in b. on, on c. in, on d. in, in

15. –where’s my english book, mom?


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