
发布 2023-03-07 23:24:28 阅读 8815

unit two

一、 短语翻译。






二、 单词填空。

1. he b___his teeth at 6:00 am.

2. tom is too young to穿衣服) himself.

3. what time do you uget up?

4. my mother is四十) years old.

5. he often e锻炼) on saturday mornings.

6. it’s a q___to seven now.

7. it’s late, please eat q

8有时候) he sleeps late in the morning.

of the students are girls.

10. please wait at the bus s


1. rick 几点钟吃早饭。

2. 她上班从不迟到。


4. 现在是下午三点一刻。


6. 放学后,他有时会打上半小时的篮球。

7. 我生活得非常健康。

8. 在晚上,我要么看电视要么玩电脑游戏。


) 1your fatherhousework?

a. does ; does b. do ; does c. does; do d. do;do

) 2. i go towork after __breakfast every day.

a. /the bc. the; a /

) 3 9. rickearly morning news on tv.

a. sees b. reads d. h**e

) 4. do you want to know __my afternoon?

) 5.—_do you go to school ? i often go to school __7:30 pm .

a、what time,on b、what time , at c、what , in d、when , in

) 6. the bus usually __him to work.

a. take b. takes c. /d. bring

) 7. i usually go to schoolseven o'clock..

a. at b. inc. on d. for

) 8a funny time to eat breakfast..

a. how b. what c. when d. what


hi!i’m tony. let me tell you about my day.

i usually get up __eight. t___i go to school at eight thirty. i don’t h**e m___time __breakfast.

so i eat veryafter school, i often play sports __h___an hour. at about ten i brush my t___and go to bed.

my sister mary’s day is a little d___from mine. she usually __up at six thirty. then she __a shower and eats a good breakfast.

_lunch,she eats a lot of f___and vshe knows ice-cream isn’t good for her h___but it t___good. so she a___eats it after dinner. she goes to bed early, at about nine.

六. 写作。


2. 能够适当的使用频率副词。3. 能够使用恰当的连词及短语,如:then, after that.


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