
发布 2023-03-05 08:52:28 阅读 7974

unit 3 第一节随堂测试。



earth 知识竞赛 part陆地。


pattern 报告field田野、田地。

protect 地球large部分

report 自己的 provide 捕捉。

own模式、形式 catch大的。

pollution 燃烧kill千米、公里。

burn 污染must必须。

energy 到…里面、进入 important 事实。

into 能量、能源 fact杀死。

ground 不多、很少 kilometre 重要的。

few 地面away朝另一个方向。


i like the second (模式)better because it’s much easier.

the factory is trying to find a new way to s**e能源)。

can you tell me more事实)about the moon?

look!there is a black bag on the g in front of the hall.

“don’t k that it fly away,”i said to that boy.

it is重要的)to learn english well.

the earth can提供)people with everything.

i (必须)complete my homework before going to bed.

the moon is close to the地球)。




throw away被……覆盖。

be covered by在天空中。

on earth为……提供。

in the sky把……倒入。

come from在地球上。

get cooler不同类型的。

different types of四分之一。

find out发现、找出。

take a look变凉。

one quarter看一眼。

in the sea在海里。


aboutmy classmates ride their bikes to school every day.

—how do you deal with your old clothes?

—i usually them

—can you help me the milk the three glasses?


the hotelpeople hot water for 24 hours a day.

it’s cloudy this evening and we can’t see any stars

—what things are there

there are many people and animals on earth.

3、句型:简在问丹尼他们能做些什么来保护海洋。用there is(not),is there,there are或are there完成他们的对话。

janepollution in the can we do to help protect the sea?

dannymany things we can can h**e a beach clean-up seealways many bottles on the pollute the sea.

jane:that’s a good idea!what else can we do?

danny:we can ask people not to eat shark fin soupa seafood restaurant near your home.

jane:noany other things we can do to help?


section a i.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1.that is my bi like reading 喜欢阅读 it.2.e me are you ding junhui?3.that is an eit can brush dirt 擦脏东西 4.is this your pencil?...

Unit3学案 人教版七年级英语

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