
发布 2023-03-05 08:38:28 阅读 1129

i.翻译词组 (10分)

1.文具盒2.卷笔刀 __

3.以什么号码给某人打**4.电脑游戏 __

5.他的戒指6.失物招领处 __

7.一块橡皮8.一套钥匙 __

9.用英语10.打搅一下 __

ii.根据句意填写单词 (10分)

11thisa notebook.

12.--is this __english bookit is.

___a clock. it's __watch..

14.__is a girl. her name __lily.

15.--is this your ring? -no, it __

16. he __a boy. _name is d**id.

17.__do you spell your name?

18. what’s it __english?

19. please call mary __323-4568.

20.--what __your namename is kate.


) is hisname.

a. last

) this your dictionary

a. yes, it's it is it not its not

) do you spell pen

a. this is a pen 's a pen

p—e—n ) that your watch

a. yes, i am i'm not that is it isn't

) call me9543526.

a. in

) iseraser and that'sgold ring.

a. a, a an an a

)'s thischinese? it is“dian shi”.

a. in

)28gina, this isbook.

a. i’m, my 'm, an 's, his 's, her

) isapple. it'sred apple.

a. a, a an c .an, a an

) this is notruler.

a. my a my

) isenglish. she isenglish

student. a. an, an b.×,d.×,an

)32you miss read? yes. my namesue read.

a. are, am is are is

) and igood friends. hetwelve.

a. are, is is are are

) watch is very nice

a. no, it isn't you

)35i'm late. that's all right.

a. sorry me sorry 'm wrong


36. she is fine. (对划线部分提问is she?

37. that is my father. (对划线部分提问is that?

38. this is my ring.(改为同义句型) this __is

39. this is a bag is english. (对划线部分提问)

in english?

40. that’s my box. (对划线部分提问that?

41. is this her id card?(改为肯定句)thisid card.

42. is that his baseball? (作否定回答) no

43. i am your new friend. (改为一般疑问句)

new friend?

44. that is his ruler. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)

his ruler? no

45. this is my teacher.(改为否定句)thismy teacher.












. 阅读理解(20分)


a: hello!

b: hello! what's your name?

a: my name is wang lin. what about you?

b: my name is wei hua. how are you?

a: i'm fine, thank you. and you?

b: i'm fine, too. what grade are you in, wang lin?

a: i'm in grade one. are you in grade one,too?

b: no, i'm in grade two. how old are you?

a: i'm eleven. what about you?

b: i'm one year older than you.

a: oh! what is in your hand?

b: it is an orange.

a: can you spell it?

b: yes, o—r—a—n—g—e, orange.

) lin is in grade two.

) hua is in grade one.

) lin is eleven.

) hua is twelve.

) is an orange in wang lin's hand.


peter and i are good friends. peter is an american boy. i am a japanese girl.

he is thirteen. i am twelve. we are in the same class,class two.

peter has a nice clock. he likes it very much. he puts it on his desk.

every morning it wakes him up(叫醒他). i h**e a new watch. it looks beautiful.

i wear(戴)it everyday. it tells me the time. it helps(帮助)me a lot in my daily life.

i can not live without it.

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