
发布 2023-03-01 19:41:28 阅读 4632

一. 根据汉语意思及首字母提示补全单词第五单元复习备课)

tom h___ten baseball bats? is often l___for school. he is too lazy.

play b___that s___good. want my jacket. you g___it for me.

w___tv at home (呆在家) is very r___

book is too b___i can’t read it. football is有趣的)。

can’t swim. i think it’s __困难的). are in __班)three, grade seven.

h**e __愉快的)together. their parents are happy.

is __仅仅) five years old. she can speak a little english.

play basketball with my __同班同学) after class.

doesn’t play sports,and he only w___them.

baseball is very i___i like it very much.

story is __无聊的). idon’t like it.

song(歌曲) s___very nice. i like to listen to it every day.

you play go to the s___school and we l___soccer.


)1. does your sister __tennis? a. like play b. like playing c. likes playing

)2. i like football __i don’t like basketball. a. and b. but c. or

)3. that is __interesting book. a. an b. ac. /

)4.—let’s play soccer.—_a. thank you b. that’s all right c. that sounds interesting

)5. —do you h**e __volleyball? —yes.

let’s play __volleyball. a. a; /b.

/a c. a; a

)6. _you h**e a new bag? a. are b. does c. do

)7. we often watch them __tv. a. in b. onc. at

)8. i like playing computer games because it’s __a. boring b. difficult c. interesting

)9. mary and kate___ping-pong. a. don’t play b. doesn’t play c. aren’t play

)10. he __milk and hamburgers for breakfast. a. only has b. has only c. h**e only

三、根据所给单词适当形式填空或首字母补全短文 do you h**e a soccer ball?

frank brown:inot h**e) a soccer ball ,but my brother alando).we___go) to the same school and we __love) soccer.

we __play) it at school w___our friends. it'srelax).

gina smith: yes, i do. i __h**e) two soccer___ball), threevolleyball),fourbasketball) and five __baseball) and bats.

i love __sport),but inot play)__they)——i onlywatch)them on tv!

wang wei : no, i don't. soccer is di __like) ping-pong.

it's efor __my). i __h**e) three ping-pong___ball) and two ping-pong __bat). a___class, i __play) ping-pong with my c

let’s___go)! we___be) late! ok.

do you h**e the baseball? yes, i __do). it’s in __i) bag.

a___where’s __we) baseball bat? bill __h**e) it. and __you___h**e) your jacket?

oh, no, i don’t. it’s on the chair. let __i)__get)it.

and your hat,too! ok, i __h**e) my j___and hat. let’s __go).




















like香蕉 your sister like汉堡包).

eats eggs for早饭 girls like蔬菜) and fruit.

xiang is a running明星). want to eat some f___

are my f___vegetable. will go to beijing next w___

you are hungry, you can eat a piece of b___

you want c___for dinner. 11.--which vegetable do you like? -c___

12. eating h___are different(不同的). l___apples, but i like o

h___milk for breakfast every day. boys don’t like草莓).

二.单项选择 (10分)

)1you like ice cream?a. are b. am c. does d. do

)2play table let b. lets c. let’s d. it’s

)3does your father h**e __lunch? chicken and tomatoes.

a. what; for b. whatc. how; for d. how; /


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