七年级下册英语7 12课复习学案

发布 2023-02-24 21:17:28 阅读 9250







七(上)unit 1 my name’s gina. unit 3 this is my sister. unit 5 do you h**e a soccer ball?

unit 6 do you like bananas? unit 8 when is your birthday? unit 9 do you want to go to a movie?

unit 10 can you play the guitar? unit 12 my f**orite subject is science.

七(下)unit 1 where’s your pen pal from?unit 7 what does he look like?

八(上)unit 6 i’m more outgoing than my sister. unit 9 when was he born?




学习过程:step 1:自主梳理查缺补漏:

1、 描述人物外貌的词:



step 2合作**释疑解惑


a )my sister mary and i look very different. she’s tall, and i’m short. she has short, curly dark (黑暗的,深色的) hair, and i h**e long, straight blond hair.

we both h**e dark eyes, but mary wears glasses, and i don’t. and she always wears large earrings (耳环). i don’t wear earring.

mary and i do many things together (一起). we watch movies together, and we often go shopping. we play tennis together each saturday.

often, people don’t know that mary and i are sisters, because we look so different. but we are also good friends.

whenever i meet some problems, she always helps me out .when i am sad , she tries her best to cheer me up. when i am happy ,she laughs with me.

sister’s love is just like a cup of tea, the more you drink , the more you like.

) 1. what does mary look like? she .

a. is tall and has dark hair b. doesn’t wear earrings c. has long, straight blond hair

) 2. the sisters don’t together.

a. exercise b. play tennis c. go shopping

) 3. the two sisters both_ .

a. wear glassesb. h**e blond hair c. h**e dark eyes

) 4. what does the word “ different” mean in chinese?

a.一样的 b. 不一样的 c. 困难的。

) 5. which is the best title (标题) for this reading?

a. meeting new fiends b. my hobbies. c. two sisters


{'t': span', c': speak , who , he , say, learn, surprise, at , hard ,win, smart , invite, be ',r':


there is a new star who is well-known in china at present. name is liu qian. he was born in 1976.

and he is a magician(魔术师) comes from taiwan.

to myhe is not only good at magic, but also good at languages. he can three languages which are chinese, english and japanese. the age of 7, he beganmagic by himself.

then in 1988, he won his first award. from then on, he worked evenpractice makes perfect. he __

to perform all over the world. so far, helots of awards.

to be honest, i like liu qian very much. i think he is and creative. i feel that magic is very magical and mysterious.

i really want to learn magic from him.






(最高要求:有优美的开头结尾。最低要求:写简单句 )

要求:1、his age、job、look、hobby… 2、what did he do for you ?

3、what will you do for him?


unit 7 it s raining 短语归纳 1.not bad 不错2.at the park zoo 在公园 动物园3.take a message for sb.为 捎个口信 4.h e a good time h e a great time h e fun enjoy oneself ...


题目 七年级英语下册复习导学案 备课人 黄各庄中学张伯琴。使用时间 3月13日 周五 复习目标1.掌握本册书中的单词 重点短语和重点句型。2.能结合中考题型正确区分重点词及词语的含义并能灵活使用。3 掌握本册涉及语法项目,掌握句型结构。4.能在规定时间内很好的阅读,有一定的阅读写作能力。复习过程 一...


教学目标 1 通读教材,了解作者,掌握字词,了解内容,识记精彩语段,鉴赏突出写法。2 其中对于古诗要会背诵会默写,文言文在不借助注释情况下顺畅翻译。教学重难点 1 鉴赏突出写法。2 文言文在不借助注释情况下顺畅翻译。课时安排 2课时。第一课时。教学过程 一 导入新课。1 导言。直接导入。2 目标。1...