七年级英语 下 5 8单元

发布 2023-02-23 02:05:28 阅读 3404

七年级英语(下)unit 5-unit8复习(一)

. 单词分类记忆。


1adj. )羞怯的; 腼腆的 2v. )救; 救助。

3v. )忘记; 遗忘4v. )杀死; 弄死。

5v. )希望6n. )天气。

7v. &n. )付费8v. )花(时间、钱等)


1. lazy (adj反义词)勤奋的。

2. sleep (vadj. )睡着的adj. )困倦的。

3. friend (nadj. )友好的。

4. over (prep同义短语)超过; 多于。

5. young (adj反义词adj. )年长的。

6. child (npl. )儿童。

7. sun (nadj. )晴朗的。

8. bad (adjadv. )坏; 非常坏反义词)好的。

9. hard (adj同义词)困难的反义词)容易的。

. 短语双语互译。

1. 稍微; 有点儿of2. 迷路 get

3. 处于(极大)危险中be in(great4. 砍倒 cut

5. 由……制成的 (beof 6. 其他任何的other

7. 捎个口信; 传话a message 8. call (sb. )back

9. on (a) vacation10. across from

. 句型超级填写。

1. —你为什么喜欢熊猫? (询问原因)

do you like pandas?


hey’re kind of interesting.

2. 你(正)在干什么?

are you

3. 天气怎么样? (询问天气)

the weather?

4. 近来可好? (询问近况)

核心词汇】辨一辨考点突破】forget to do sth. 与forget doing sth.

温馨提示】forget可表示“忘记带某物”, 当表示“把某物忘在某处”时应用le**e。例如:

sorry, i forgot my key. 抱歉, 我忘带钥匙了。

i left my key in my office. 我把钥匙落在办公室了。

1. forget v. 忘记; 遗忘。


don’t forgettake)out the trash after supper.

mr. king looked at me in surprise, as if he had forgottenmeet)me in the park yesterday.


why did samto do his homework?

because hehis schoolbag at school.


i’m sorry i___my exercise book at home this morning.

it doesn’t matter. don’t forget___it here this afternoon.

a. left; to take b. forgot; bringing c. left; to bring d. forgot; to bring

2. 【辨一辨考点突破】


选用other/others/the other/the others/another填空。

we learn chinese, math, english and somesubjects.

thanks for asking me to your party, but i’m too busy. maybeday is ok.

some of my classmates like singing, whilelike playing sports.

one of the two books is $3. how much isone?

when the teacher asked the class about the vacation plan, only two of them agreedall said no to it.

i h**e two pencils. one is red; _is yellow.

a. anotherb. the otherc. other

3. wish v. 希望。


how i wishbe)an astronaut in the future!

where do you hopevisit)for summer vacation?


sorry, james. i can’t go to your party because i’ve had a cold.

sorry to hear that. iyou feel better soon. and iyou health every day.

my parents wish me___be)a teacher when i grow up.

—what are you going to do when you grow up?

a singer, but my parents wish me___a teacher.

a. amb. to bec. will bed. be


4. spend v. 花(时间、钱等)

辨一辨考点突破】spend, take, cost与pay

四者都有“花费”之意, 但用法不同:


用spend, pay, cost或take的适当形式完成句子。


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