
发布 2023-02-23 02:00:28 阅读 6565

6 the united kingdom---british---enghish

unit 2 where’s the post office?

一.asking ways: (问路)

1.where is (the nearest) …最近的)……在**?

2.can you tell me the way to ……你能告诉我去……的路吗?

3.how can i get to ……我怎样到达……呢?

4.is there ……near here / in the neighborhood?附近有……吗?

5.which is the way to ……哪条是去……的路?

二.showing the ways: (指路)

1. go straight down / along this street.沿着这条街一直走。

2. turn left at the second turning.在第二个路口向左转。

3. you will find it on your right.你会在你右手边发现它。

4. it is about one hundred metres from here.离这里大约一百米远。

5. you’d better take a bus.你最好坐公交车去。(you’d better+动词原形)

三.词组。1. across from ……在……的对面across from the bank在银行的对面。

2. next to……紧靠……next to the supermarket紧靠超市。

3. between……and……在……和……之间。

between the park and the zoo在公园和动物园之间。

among 表示位于三者或三者以上之间。

4. in front of……在……前面there is a tree in front of the classroom.


in the front of……在……(内)的前部there is a desk in the front of the classroom.


5. behind……在……后面behind my house在我家后面。

6. turn left/ right 向左/右拐。

on the left/right of……在某物的左/右边on the left of our school 在我们学校的左边。

on one’s left/right在某人的左/右边on my left在我左边。

7. go straight一直走。

8. down /along……沿着……(街道)down/along center street 沿着**街。

9. in the neighborhood=near here在附近。

10 welcome to……欢迎来到……

11. take /h**e a walk散步。

12. the beginning of………的开始,前端。

at the beginning of……在……的开始,前端。

in the beginning起初,一开始。

13. h**e fun=h**e a good time=enjoy oneself玩得开心,过得愉快。

我昨天玩得很开心。i had fun yesterday.

i had a good time yesterday.

i enjoyed myself yesterday.

14. h**e a good trip旅途愉快。

15. take a taxi坐出租车。

16. 到达:get to +地方 get here/ there/ home 到这/那/家。

arrive in +大地方i arrive in beijing.

arrive at +小地方i arrive at the bank.


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