
发布 2021-03-02 21:19:28 阅读 3544

sample writing

my weekend

i had a great weekend. on saturday morning, i did my homework. in the afternoon, i played tennis with my friends nina and mary.

i felt a little tired, but we really had a great time. after that, we went to mcdonald’s for dinner. on sunday morning, i visited my grandparents with my dad and mom.

they were happy to see me. on sunday afternoon, i watched an exciting soccer game. i loved it.

i had a happy weekend.



提示:1. when do you h**e to get to school?

2. what can you do and what can't you do in class?

3. what is your idea about these rules?

要求: 60-70词。

we h**e lots of rules in our class. we can't arrive late for class. we must get to school on time.

in class, we can't talk loudly. we can't eat or drink in class. we can't play games or listen to music in class.

i think these rules are good for us and they can help us. i also think some of the rules are too strict.

请根据下面的提示内容,以“our school trip”为题写一篇文章,描述你们去农场郊游时的经历。

1.上周六你们去阳光农场(sunshine farm)郊游。


3. 下午你们在农场散步,和农场主聊天。

4. 你们玩得很开心。

要求:1. 词数:70词左右;

2. 可适当发挥想象。

last saturday we had a great school trip. we went to sunshine farm by bike. in the morning, we milked cows and fed chickens.

we also went to the field to pick some fresh vegetables. it was interesting. in the afternoon, we went for a walk on the farm.

we talked with the farmer and he told us something about his farm. we learned a lot and we had a good time on the farm. we were tired but we were happy.

请你根据提示,以“my father”为题写一篇短文。

提示:1. 职业:教师。

2. 外貌:英俊、圆脸、有点瘦、中等身高、短短的直发、大


3. 性格:友好、和蔼。

要求:1. 短文须包括所有要点,可以适当发挥。

2. 60词左右。

my father is 40 years old. he is a teacher and he teaches in a high school.

my father is handsome and a little thin. he is of medium height. he has a round face and two big bright eyes.

he often wears glasses.

my father is friendly and kind to his students. his students like him very much.

i love my father.

请根据提示,写一篇题为“our monitor”的短文,介绍一下你们的班长。





要求:1. 短文须包括所有要点,可以适当发挥;

2. 词数:60词左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。

li min is our monitor. she was born on june 8th, 2001. she is 13 years old now.

li min is a beautiful girl. she is tall and thin. she has a round face with two big bright eyes.

she has long straight black hair.

li min likes sports and she plays sports with us after school. she likes reading english books. she's kind and friendly to us.

she gets along well with every classmate. we all like her.


提示:1. how's the weather today?

2. what are the children doing?

3. how do they feel?

要求:1. 50词左右。

2. 根据要点可以适当发挥。

it's sunday today. it's snowing and it's very cold. the children are wearing their warm clothes.

look at the children playing on the playground! some children are skating, some are running in the snow, some are fighting with snowballs, others are ****** a snowman.

they all feel very happy.


提示:1. how's the weather today?

2. what are the children doing?

3. how do they feel?

要求:1. 50词左右。

2. 根据要点可以适当发挥。

it's saturday today and it is sunny. the weather is warm. there are many students playing on the playground.

some boys are playing basketball, some are playing football, some are telling stories under the big tree. look at the two girls over there. they are flying a kite.

some girls are singing and dancing.

they are h**ing a good time. all the students are very happy.


it's sunday today. there are many people in the park. two women are drinking tea under the tree.

a woman is looking after her dog. the dog is running after his toy. two boys are playing with a ball.

a man and a woman are watering the trees. they all feel very happy.


提示:1. how old is flower?

2. what is flower like?

3. where is it from?

要求:1. 根据提示内容,可以适当发挥。

2. 词数:50词左右。

this is flower. she is my f**orite dog. she is 3 years old now.

i like flower very much because she is very cute and smart. she often runs after my cat. she can also run after birds.

she is from america. she is friendly to me and she is my best friend.


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