
发布 2021-03-02 21:15:28 阅读 6266





听力部分 (共20分)


i. 听句子。根据所听内容选择合适的应答语。(5分)

)1. a. sure b. i` m jane c. that` s all right

)2. a. oh, lucy. b. see you , lucy. c. nice to meet you ,lucy.

)3. a. it` s 347-2578 b. it` s $ 31 c. he` s twelve

)4. a. it` s green. b. it` s april 19th. c. it `s a watch.

) they` re twenty-five dollars. b. they` re on the bed.

c. they` re black.

ii. 听对话,根据所听内容选择问题的最佳答案。(5分)

)6. where are they?

a. at home. b. at school. c. in a shop.

)7. what does the boy want to buy?

a. some pens. b. some rulers. c. some pencils.

)8. what color does he like?

a. black. b. white. c. yellow

)9. does he want a short ruler?

does. b. no, he doesn`t.

c. no, he likes short rulers.

) much are the two rulers?

a. $4b. $5c. $10

iii. 听对话,根据对话内容,判断正(t)误(f)(5分)

)11 .bill’s f**orite school day is tuesday.

)12. rick’s f**orite subject is math

)13. bill and rick both like basketball.

)14. rick has lots of time to play soccer.

)15. they are going to play soccer this sunday.

iv . 听短文,填出所缺的单词。(5分)

my name is wei hua. my english _16___is helen. she is___17___america.

she __18___two children. helen and her children __19__in china, _20__her husband tim is in america.


i. 单项选择。(15分)

( )21. 在26个英文字母中,__和 __可以独立成词。

a. o; u b. r; e c. a; i d. p; m

)22. **电视台简写形式为。

a. cctv b. tvcc c. vtcc d .vctc

)23. welcome china!

a in b of c to d two

)24. —what is your f**orite

blue.a. subject b. book c. sport d. color

)25. -is yinchuan in jiangsu?

a yes, it is'nt. b no, it isn't.

c yes, it isd no, it is .

) 26.——can tim swim

——yes, he

a. well; can b. good; does

c. well; does d. good; can

)27. how do you spell your first name?

a. yes, i dob. a-l-i-c-e

c. no, i don’td. b-r-o-w-n

) 28. the sofa isto the book case.

a. on b. next c. under d. in

)29.——how much __this sweater?

twenty dollars.

a. are; it’s b. are; they’re c. is; it’s d. is; they’re

) 30are good friends.

a. i and mary b. mary c. mary and i d. i mary

) 31. my mother’s brother is my

a. grandfather b. uncle c. cousin d. brother

)32. —you look tired.

5:00 b. yes, i get up at 4:00

c. let’s god. i usually h**e lunch at home

)33. i usuallyhome at 6:00 .

a go to b gets c go d goes

) 34. my birthday is june .

a. 3rdb. 3st c. 3th d. 3nd

)35do you h**e science class?

——at two fifteen.

a. when b. what c. where d. how

ii. 从b栏中找出a栏句子的正确答语,并把序号写在前面的括号。


ab ) you play the drumsa. sixty yuan.

) 37. is his friend a musician? b. because they are very useful.

) 38. what can you do, li leic. no, he isn’t.

) 39. what’s your phone number? d. no, i can’t.

) 40. do you like oranges or bananas? e. i can sing.

) 41. why do you like documentaries? f. it’s under the desk..

) 42. where is my bookg. she wants to join the chess club.

) 43. what color is your t-shirt? h. 6657616.

) 44. what club does she want to join? i. i like bananas.

) 45. how much is the racketj. blue.


46. of the clock (缩略式47. long (反义词。

48. box (复数形式49. h**e(第三人称单数)

50. our (同音词)

iv. 把下列句子编成对话, 将序号按正确的顺序填入括号内(5分)

a. i don` t like basketball.

b. yes, i do.

c. let` s play computer games!

you h**e a computer game?

e. let` s play basketball.

正确的顺序是:51( )52( )53( )54( )55( )

v.用所给词的适当形式填空 ( 10 分 )

56. your namebe ) nice.


峨边彝族自治县教学质量检测七年级。语文试卷。说明 1 本试卷共8页,共7道大题,24道小题。满分150分。考时间为120分钟。2 各题答案用钢笔或圆珠笔做在试卷相应位置上。3 答卷前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。第 卷 选择题共24分 一 语文素养 每小题3分,共15分 1 加点字注音错误的一项是 a ...

七年级英语 上

秦川新辉成功英语学校2009暑期初一英语先修班检测试卷。时间 90分钟满分 100分。section a 一 在四线三格中写出26个英文字母的大小写 20分 二 英汉互译 10分 1.id card6.watch tv 2.你好吗7.双肩背包。3.thank you8.一本英语书 4.your ru...


unit 5 单词 有 两种形式 网球。球。乒乓球。球棒 球拍。足球。排球。篮球。允许 让。走。迟到。去取 得到。美妙的 伟大的。参加 玩耍。听起来好像。有趣的。没趣的 令人厌倦的。乐趣 快乐。困难的。轻松的 令人放松的。注视 看电视。相同的。喜爱 爱 名词 和 在一起 使用。体育运动。只 仅。喜欢...