
发布 2023-02-22 05:05:28 阅读 8661

七年级周清starter unite 1-3



我们的口号是“不比聪明,比勤奋”, 不比分数,比进步”。希望同学们诚实考试,诚信做人。




1. -what’s this in english

is a book . a a book

2. it’s___old book.

c./ 3.下列字母中不含元音字母的一组是___

4it’s yellow.

your name this color is it that

5. this is __ruler.

white a white


a. c b. g c. h d. m

7k-e-y, key.

a. what’s this in english? b. what color is it?

c. spell it, pleased. can you spell it?

8. it’s___english book, not __chinese book.

a. a , a , a c. a ,an ,an


thanks you? do you do d. how are you?


a. bgl b. hkn c. fge d. hjk

11.- what’s this? –it’s___

a. a apple c. a map

12he’s fine.

a. who’s he b. how’s he c. what’s he d. where’s he

13. this jacket is __orange.

ab. a c. an d. the

14. what’s this

a. it’s here b. it’s h is h

15.与g 相邻的字母是___

a. fhb. bcc. ef


1. i am f2. h___cindy.

3. good e___frank4. i’m ok, t

5. good a___alice6. the y___bananas are good.

7. his jacket is b8. what c___is it?

9 .it’s a map i___english10. this is a k___


1. aa , hh2. gg , jj ( 3. oo , pp

4. ee , rr5. ok , orange (


1. is ,this ,apple ,an

2. it ,a , green , ruler ,is

3. it , please , spell

4. color , is, pen, your, what

5. is , blue , green , and , it


1.-what’s color is the jacket

a b c2. this is a pen. the pen is a blue

ab c3. spell it, please

a b c4. it is ruler

a b c5.-what’s this ?-this is a quilt

a b c


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