
发布 2023-02-21 10:32:28 阅读 2730


units 9-12


重点短语:go to a movie = go to see a movie 去看电影。

what time 几点,什么时候 take a shower 沐浴。

go to work 去上班go to bed 去睡觉。

an action movie 一部动作片 what kind of movies? 什么种类的电影。

all kinds of… 各种各样的 many kinds of …许多种类的。

an exciting movie 一部激动人心的电影。

learn about chinese history 学习有关中国的历史。

play soccer with sb.和某人一起去踢足球。

in the movie 在电影里节on weekends 在周末。

play the guitar/piano/violin/drums/ 弹吉它 / 弹钢琴/拉小提琴/打鼓。

play chess 下国际象棋节speak english / chinese 讲英语/中文。

a little /a bit / a bit of n ./a little bit 一点。

what club 什么俱乐部评do sth. well 某事做得好。

help ( sb ).to) do sth./ help(sb.) sb. with sth. 帮助(某人)做某事。

come and join us 来加入我们 all night 整夜。

be strict with sb. /be strict in sth. 对某人要求严格。

be busy doing sth./be busy with sth. 忙于做某事。

重点句型: you want to go to a movie?

yes,i do.

2. what kind of movies do you like?

i like action movies.

you dance?

yes ,i can. no,i can’t.

can you do?

i can dance.

time do you usually get up?

i get up at six o’clock.

time is it?

it’s six o’clock.

your f**ourite subject?

my f**ourite subject is pe.

交际用语: you want to go to a movie?

b:yes,i do.

a:what kind of movies do you like?

b:i like action movies.

a:what time shall we meet?

b: at two o’clock this afternoon.

2. club do you want to join?

want to join the chess club.

you play chess?,we can.



巩固练习。一、 单选。

1.--you can speak english very well.

you. b . i know english is bad.

2do you like chinese food?

---very much.

students often play __football in __afternoon after school.

a.\ an an c.\ the d. an /

and buses __stop when the traffic lights turn red.

___stay in bed any up to work quickly.

and lilysisters. they study at the same school.

g**e my sister __useful book yesterday.

不填。f**ourite subject is think it’s __

does jack __a shower?

take usually go to school __seven o’clock.

can dance __i can’t dance very well.

c. 不填。

12do you like soccer?

-- because it’s very interesting.

--it’s blue.

a. what colour is your hat color is your hat ? color does your hat

boy can speak __english.

c. a little

15.--who __to join the skating club?

c. can

16.--can you sing __dance?

--i can dance well.

17.--can i look at your picture?,i do. ,i can. ,here you are.\



my father likesbut hethrillers.



your aunt’s phone?

---it’s 83235679.


my parents oftentheir work.


he can teach you


why do you wantthe chess club?


i want to h**esalad and __apples.


he doesn’t like this computer game.




一 基础部分1 字词 范围 全册书读读写写。特别关注课下带拼音的。方式,自己出题检测。2 四字词语 范围 全册书读读写写,包括课下注释里的。方式,找到词语所在的原句背下来。并理解意思。3 古诗 范围 第一单元 古代诗歌四首 课外古诗词诵读八首。要求 会默写 会赏析重点句子 知道表达作者什么思想感。建...


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