鲁教版 五四制 英语六年级上学期月测

发布 2023-02-15 01:14:28 阅读 4459

学健教育六年级月测试题 (英语)




a.i’m sorry b. excuse me c. i’m ok d. thank you

2. 当有人说你长得漂亮时,你应说。

a. no b. yes c. that’s right d. thank you

3. 当你把tony介绍给对方时,你应说。

a. i’m tony b. that’s tony c. this is tony d. it’s tony

4. this is __id card. it’s my brother’s id card.

a. a b. an c. the d. /

5. 当有人向你问候,说“nice to meet you”时,你应说。

a. i’m fine b. nice to meet you, too. c. how do you do? d. hello

6this your pen?

yes, it is.

a. is; is b. is; isn’t c. is; is d. are; aren’t

7. what’s this in english?

___a pen.

a. this is b. that’s c. it’s d. this’s

8. is this __ruler?

yes, it is my ruler.

a. my b. his c. your d. her

9are good friends.

a. i and mary b. mary c. mary and i d. i mary

10. can you spell the word?

a. sorry, i can’t b. yes, i can’t c. no, i can d. oh, no

11. please call me __2137718.

a. in b. to c. at d. for

12is it?

it’s a red shirt(衬衫).

a. what color b. who c. what d. how

13. the desk is blue. the chair is __too.

a. black b. yellow c. blue d. green

14. what’s your name, please?

my name is __

a. han meimei b. wang xiao ya c. green jim d. li yundi

15. this is miss gao. she __our new teacher.

a. are b. am c. is d. be


i h**e a good friend(朋友).1 name is lucy smith. lucy is her 2 name and her 3 name is smith.

she is 4 american girl. she 5 11. her phone number 6 0538-3539.

you can call her 7 0538-3539. she and i 8 students. her bag is 9 .

10 my bag is yellow, too. we go to school together every day.

) 1. a. my b. she c. her d. his

) 2. a. first b. last c. family d. middle (中间的)

) 3. a. first b. middle c. family d. given

) 4. a. a b. an c. the d. /

) 5. a. is b. are c. am d. be

) 6. a. be b. is c. are d. am

) 7. a. in b. on c. at d. to

) 8. a. am b. is c. are d. be

) 9. a. a yellow b. blue c. yellow d. red

) 10. a. but b. so c. and d. or


a: excuse me. are you mr. john?

b: no, i’m not. my family name is smith. you can call me mr. smith.

a: sorry. i’m liu liu. how do you do?

b: how do you do? nice to meet you.

a: nice to meet you, too.

b: how old are you?

a: i’m twelve.

b: what’s this in english?

a: it’s an egg. and what’s in chinese?

b: sorry, i don’t know.

a: oh, i can tell you. it’s baozi.

b: thank you very much.


) 1. mr. smith and liu liu are good friends.

) 2. liu liu is twelve years old.

) 3. mr. smith knows chinese well.

) 4. liu liu’s family name is liu.

) 5. mr. smith’s first name is smith.

四、从b栏中找出与a栏相匹配的答语 (10分)

a ) 1、are you gina?

) 2、is this your dictionary?

) 3、how do you spell the word “watch”?

) 4、what’s this in english?

) 5、how is the girl?

) 6、what’s your last name?

) 7、hello, mary.

) 8、what’s your telephone number?

) 9、nice to meet you.

) 10、what color is it ?

ba. hello, rose.

b. nice to meet you, too.

c. green.

d. yes, i am.

e. it’s white.

f. yes, it is.

g. she is fine.

h. it’s 6327596.

i. it’s an orange.

j. w-a-t-c-h.


1、 n___to meet you here today.

2、 -w___is your name?

-- erice.

3、 -what’s this in e

-- it’s an orange.

4、 -w___color is your f**ourite(最喜欢的)?


5、 i h**e a black and w___dog.

6、 -can you s___the word?

--yes, p-e-n.

7、 tom’s f___name is smith.

8、 thisbe ) wei hua.

9、 look! isthose ) a map?

10、 what colorbe ) your shoes?

11、 mumthese ) is my friend,jim.

12、 is thisshe ) watch?

13he ) name is tom.

14i ) english teacher is miss wang.

15be ) these your keys?

六、 根据汉语完成英语句子。(20分)

1. 请拼写单词“jacket”。

___the word “jacket

2. 这个用英语说是一把钥匙。

this is ain

3. 晚上好,艾丽丝!


4. 这是个橘子,是我的橘子。

it’sit’s __orange.

5. 你好,我叫gina。见到你很高兴。

hello,i’m gina

6. “你姓什么?” 我姓怀特。”


7. 玛丽的**号码是多少?

what’s mary’s

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数学试题。1 3的绝对值等于 a.3b.3c.3d.小于3 2.在数轴上,原点及原点右边的点表示的数是 a.正数 b.负数 c.非正数 d.非负数。3.在数 3 0 3 2,9 14中,正数的有 个。a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 2 与是同类项的为 abc.d.5 已知方程是关于的一元一次方程,则...