
发布 2023-02-12 19:13:28 阅读 7854


1 ab: i usually go to school by bus.

2 ab: they go to england by plane.

3 ab: yes, i can go to beijing by plane.

4 ab: i like fall best.

5 ab: the tiger is running.

6 ab: the school is west of the library.

7 .ab: you can go to canada by plane.

b: no, there isn’t a supermarket near my home . supermarket

b: i usually clean the room on the weekend..

b: my birthday is on june 2ndt': span', c': june 2', r': r_4'},

11. ab: we are going to play sports this afternoon.

b: yes, i am going to buy a comic book tonight.

b: no, mr. black is going to shanghai by ship.

b: the boy is going to read books this afternoon.

b: he is going to the zoo by bus.

b: i like listening to music.

b: my mother likes watching tv.

b: they are going to climb mountains this weekend.

b: yes, liu yun goes to school by bus.

b: no, the boy likes reading books.

21. ab: i am an artist.

b: my uncle is a tv reporter.

b: she works in a bank.

b: miss wang goes to work by bike.

b: they often plant trees on the weekend.

26. ab: first, put some seeds into a pot.

b: it comes from the clouds.

28. ab: it’s sunny today.

b: miss li is an accountant.

b: i can see a sprout in the pot.

i go to beijing by bus

no, there is a library next to the supermarket

i’m going to the cinema this evening.

. yes, they are planting trees

she is going to read books at 3 o’ clock..


一、 填一填 (25分)

1、['altimg': w': 16', h': 43'}]的倒数是的倒数是1没有倒数。

米的[',altimg': w': 16', h': 43'}]是( )2米的[',altimg': w': 16', h': 43'}]是( )


4、 415=['altimg': w': 16', h': 43填小数)

5、某校男女生人数的比是4: 5,全校学生中,男生占( )份,女生占( )一共( )份,男生占总人数的女生占总人数的。

6、“一桶油的[',altimg': w': 16', h':

43'}]重6千克”,把看作单位“1t': latex', orirawdata': frac', altimg':

w': 16', h': 43

7、“男生占全班人数的[',altimg': w': 16', h':

43'}]把看作单位“1t': latex', orirawdata': frac', altimg':

w': 16', h': 43

8、“鸭只数的[',altimg': w': 16', h':

43'}]等于鸡” 把看作单位“1t': latex', orirawdata': frac', altimg':

w': 16', h': 43

10、a是b的[',altimg': w': 16', h': 43'}]a: b


1、把1克糖放入100克水中,糖与糖水的比是( )

a.1: 100 b.1: 99 c.1: 101

2、鸡20只,鸭25只。鸡是鸭的( )鸭是鸡的( )

a ['altimg': w': 16', h': 43'}]b ['altimg': w': 16', h': 43'}]c 无法确定。

3、饲养场养白兔51只,占兔子总数的[',altimg': w': 16', h':

43'}]要求( )可以列式为“51÷['altimg': w': 16', h':


a 黑兔只数 b 兔子总数 c 无法确定。

4、甲车每小时行60千米,乙车速度是甲车的[',altimg': w': 28', h': 43'}]求乙车速度的算式是( )

a 60×10÷9 b 60÷['altimg': w': 28', h': 43'}]c 60×['altimg': w': 28', h': 43'}]

5、男生占全班人数的5/11,女生人数与男生人数的比是( )


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