2023年秋半期考试 四年级英语卷

发布 2023-02-03 12:36:28 阅读 8499



一、按正确的顺序及格式默写26个字母的大小写。( 26分)


)1. circle a. 正方形 b. 点c. 圆

) a .好玩的 b. 强壮的 c. 漂亮的。

) a. 老鼠b. 绵羊 c. 猴子。

)4. these a. 这些b. 这个 c. 那些。

) a. 饼**. 大米 c. 饺子。


)1. a. morningb. helloc. afternoon

)2. a. monkeyb. tigerc. book

)3. a. squareb. linec. flag

)4. a. dotb. funnyc. small

)5. a. rightb. leftc. milk


) beautiful

) 4 .line5. rice

abc de


)1. 当有人问你“你叫什么名字?”,你回答:

a. her name is amy. name is amy. name is amy.

)2. 你要问“那是什么?”的时候该说:

a. it’s a flag. b. what that ? c. what’s that ?

)3. 当朋友对你说“how are you?”你回答:

a. fine, thank you. b. i’m ten. c. how are you?

) 4. look this bird. it’s beautiful !

a. atb.

)5 .nice to meet you

a. thank you! b. i’m fine. c. nice to meet you, too!

)6. what those ?

a. )7. do you like ?—i like noodles .

many 六、从b栏中找出a栏句子相应的答语。(10分)

ab ) 1. are you soldiersa. thank you.

) 2. nice to meet youb. yes, we are.

) 3. here you arec. nice to meet you ,too.

) 4. how many ********s are there? d. good afternoon.

) 5. good afternoone. there are two ********s.


1. these are flowers .

2 . i like milk and bread .

3. nice to meet you .

4. how many circles are there?

5. look at this elephant .


1. are, those, eggs , bird’s (.

2. sixteen, there, are, dots (.

3. see, to, you, glad(.)

4. you how are( ?

5. a is square it(.)


they are my friends. lingling likes milk. peter likes bread .

dongdong likes rice. tim doesn’t like noodles. he likes biscuits.

anne likes bread and jam. i like rice and milk.

)1. anne likes biscuits.

)2. peter likes bread.

)3. tim likes noodles.

)4. lingling likes rice.

)5. dongdong likes milk and bread.


得分。一 快乐拼写 读拼音,把汉字写正确,写规范 8分 l ng zh o gu l h n j j n y n f g i n ng sh k i p x ng g 二 筛选信息 为带点字选择正确的音节画 表示 4分 秘鲁 b m模样 m m 净角 ji o ju 号叫 h o h o 缝隙 f ...


学校2014年秋季 四上数学半期素质测试题 答题时间 75分钟满分 100分。卷首语 同学们,经过半学期的努力,你一定收获了不少知识吧。现在就来检验一下吧!请认真 仔细答题哦,加油吧!一 填空。29分 1 从个位起,第七位是 位,它的计数单位是 2 与万位相邻的两个数位分别是和。最高位是 位,右边的...


雁江七小 2014 下学期。根据学校安排,结合本年级实际情况,初步决定本周 行半期考试。一 考试准备。教研组长于周三下班前在教导处领取半期试卷,并考前二十分钟分发至各班,各负责老师及时清点试卷份数及备用卷,确保考试顺利实施。二 考试安排。1 教师 任课教师协调监考事宜。2 时间 语文 8 20 10...