
发布 2020-07-19 13:39:28 阅读 5346



一、 选出下列每组词中不同类的词。(每小题2分,共10分)

)1、a、one b、third c、eleven

)2、a、january b、monday c、august

)3、a、sour b、salt c、hot

)4、a、banging b、sing c、laughing

)5、a、pineapple b、peach c、garlic

二、 根据汉语提示,选出正确的选项补全单词,并将其字母代号填入题前括号内。(每小题2分,共10分)

)1、b_ _king (狗叫) a、ar b、or

)2、th_ _d ( 第三) a、ir b、er

)3、j_ ly (七月) a、o b、u

)4、t_ st_ (品尝) a、a e b、e a

)5、p _ ckle (泡菜) a、 i b、e

三、 单项选择。(每小题2分,共30分)

)1、is there __sweet here?

a、any b、something c、anything

)2birthday is in march?

---sally’s birthday is in march.

a、when b、who c、whose

)3、chillies __hot.

a、is b、are c、h**e

)4、my birthday is __october.

a、in b、onc、 at

)5、the baby is __

a、crying b、laugh c、talk

)6、i can hear a boy. i can hear __laughing.

a、he b、him c、her

)7、tim likes fish __he doesn’t like vegetables.

a、and b、or c、but

)8、--are there any dates?

a、yes, there are . b、no, there are. c、yes, there is.

(9、i’m thirsty, please give __some water.

a、i b、my c、me

)10、i can hear water __

a、falling b、fall c、 falls

) 11、there is __garlic in the fridge.

a、some b、any c、something

) 12、there is___peach and __onion.

a、a an b、a a c、an an

) 13、--what __it taste like?

---it’s sweet.

a、do b、does c、doing

) 14、kate’s birthday party is on the___of june.

a、22nd b、22st c、22th

) 15、__is the fifth month of the year.

a、april b、march c、may

四、 情景交际。(每小题2分,共10分)

)1、happy birthday to you. a、he is banging the wall.

)2、what are theseb、i can hear birds singing.

)3、what can you hear? c、no, it isn’t.

)4、what is he doing? d、they’re pickles.

)5、is it a hamburger? e、thank you.

五、 按要求写单词。(每小题1分,共10分)





9、should not (缩写形式)__10、apr(完全形式)__

六、 按要求完成各题(每小题3分,共15分)。

1、when’s your birthday? (根据实际情况回答问题)

2、that’s vinegar. it’s hot. (改错)

___改为 __

3、there is something sour here?(变为一般疑问句)

sour here?

4、i must wait four years for one birthday.(翻译)

5、fridge drinks in there any are the ?(连词成句)

七、 阅读理解。根据短文内容,判断正“t” “f”(每小题3分,共15分)

ann is eleven years old. she is from english. mrs green is her mother.

today is ann’s birthday. there’s a party for her. lots of her friends come to her party.

there are ten girls and five boys. mrs green buys some fruit, a birthday cake and some delicious food for the party. her friends and her parents join together to sing“happy birthday ”to her.

)1、ann is ten years old next year.

)2、today is her birthday.

)3、ann is mrs green’s daughter.

)4、sixteen boys and girl come to the party.

)5、mr green doesn’t join the party.


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