
发布 2020-07-20 03:18:28 阅读 9526


英语试卷 2015.11.


注意:1.60分钟完卷; 2.监考老师不念题,不讲题。

.听力 (50分)


) 1. a. somedayb. libraryc. often

) 2. a. oppositeb. luckyc. always

) 3. a. neverb. studyc. interesting

) 4. a. soupb. batc. show

) 5. a. kidb. copyc. pumpkin

二、你将听到5个句子,根据你听到句子的内容,选择正确的**,按你听到的顺序给**编号。读四遍。 (10分)


) 1. i can’t find my room.

) 2. let me show you around.

) 3. you drink too much.

) 4. wash the hands, please.

) 5. they look so nice.


) ok.

) take it easy. we can help you.

) what a mess!

) great! rose. sweep the floor, please.

) oh, my mother is coming home!


) 1. a. i can’tb. in class 5c. no, i don’t.

) 2. a. i am playing football. b. an applec. two.

) 3. a. yes, it isb. it’s on september 10th. c. no, it is.

) 4. a. yes, i amb. he is a teacherc. no, i don’t.

) 5. a. i play basketball. b. i play footballc. yes, of course.


一、从每组a、b、c中,找出划线部分不同读音的单词, 并将编号填写在前面的括号内。(共5个小题,每小题1分,共5分)

) 1. a. appleb. datec. make

) 2. a. meatb. breadc. head

) 3. a. bikeb. fivec. fish

) 4. a. windowb. snowc. cow

) 5. a. useb. studyc. july


三、选择正确的用语, 并将编号填写在左边的括号内。(共5个小题,每小题2分,共10分)

) 11. how did you come herea. let’s go and see.

) 12. .can i help youb. yes, please look.

) 13. le le, what are they doing? c. it’s beside the teachers’ office.

) 14. where is the please cook the meals.

) 15. .may i h**e a came here on foot.

四、单项选择题。从中选择正确的答案, 并将编号填写在前面的括号内。(共10个小题,每小题1分,共10分)


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