小学英语PEP教材四年级下册期末测试卷 do

发布 2023-02-03 11:32:28 阅读 5111



一、listen and number.听音排序。10%

1、a computer room ( b playground ( c art room( )

2、a windyb sunnyc rainy (

3、a tomatob green beans( )c potato( )

4、a dressb shirtc skirt (

5、a sunglasses ( b glovesc scarf (

二、listen and choose.听句子,选择你所听到的单词。10%

)1. a、fifteen b、city

)2. a、it’s time for music. b、it’s ten o’clock.

)3. a、april 1st b、april

)4. a、drinking water b、walking

)5. a、mondayb、tuesday

三、 listen and choose.听问句,选择合适的答句。10%

) i h**e art and math class. b i h**e green beans and tofu.

) he is tall and strong. b she is tall and thing.

) we should keep to the left. b we should talk quietly..

) yes, there isb yes, there are.

) i often go shopping. b i always go to school.

四、 listen and fill.听对话,填单词。10%

1. what___is it? it′s

2. can i go outside now? no, you can′t. it′s___outside.

3. what′s the weather like? i t′s___and___

4. is __your sweater? no, it′s

5. how many___are there


一、find and choose.找出每组中不同类的单词,将其序号填在题前的括号里。10%

1. a cool b weather c hot d warm

2. a carrot b pear c onion d potato

3. a pants b shorts c gloves d umbrella

4. a hen b cow c fat d goat

5. a art room b computer room c bedroom d music room

二、choose 将正确答案的序号填在题前的括号里。10%

1. (hurry up! it′s time___class.

a to b for c the

2people are there in your family?

a how b how many c how much

3. (whose sweater is this? it′s___

a i b my c mine

4. (the red skirts___nice.

a is b are c be

5. (the art room is __the first floor.

a in b at con

6. (the rabbit likes___

a carrots b chicken c potatoes

7. (what are these?

a yes, they are b no, they aren′t. c they′re sheep.

8. (it′s cold outsideyour coat.

a take off. b put up c get up

9. (we___books in the library.

a play b read c eat

10.( how___is the dress?

a much b many c old


四、number. 给句子排序,组成一段完整的对话。12%

) they′re your father′s.

) ok.

) and whose pants are those?

) it′s mine

) sarah, can you help me, please?

) whose coat is this?

五、fill the sentences.根据汉语意思和首字母提示完成句子。8%


myare green.


is___your skirt? no, _isn′t.




this___is too

r___y in shanghai.

六、tick or cross.阅读短文,判断对(√)错(x)10%

it′s sunny today. i wear my new dress. at i go to my grandma′s farm.

it′s big and nice! on the farm , i see some vegetables. the tomatoes are nice and red.

the cucumbers are tender and green. they are fresh. and i see many animals.

there are some rabbits、pigs、and dogs. at i h**e dinner with my grandma. what a nice day!

) is sunny.

) h**e dinner at home.

) grandma has no rabbits 、pigs、and dogs on the farm.

) tomatoes are nice and green.

) like the farm.

听力材料。一、 room art room playground

2 .sunny windy rainy

3. green beans tomato potato

4. shirt skirt dress

5. scarf gloves sunglasses.

二、1. is there a lake in your village?

2. what time is it?

3. when is easter?

is the elephant doing? it′s drinking water.

5. today is monday.

三、 class do you h**e today?

is your brother like?

should we do in the library?

there a small lake in your village?

do you do on the weekend?

四、 time is it? it′s 8 o′clock.

i go outside now? no, you can′t. it′s cold outside.


pep四年级英语下册教材培训讲稿。part 1 教材分析。一 教材基本结构分析 详见单元课题与单元内容 本册教材的基本结构可分为六个话题是 学校,时间,衣服,天气,购物,农场动物。第一单元 our school 简单介绍校舍的分布情况,说出每个教室的功能。如computer board fan li...


一 教材基本结构分析 本册教材的基本结构可分为六个话题是 学校,时间,衣服,天气,购物,农场动物 第一单元 our school 简单介绍校舍的分布情况,说出每个教室的功能。如computer board fan light teacher s desk picture floor wall.第二单...


4 重视双向交流。根据学生的年龄特点和认知能力,教材选取了与学生日常生活密切相关,与教学进度和内容同步的中西方文化知识,真正实现跨文化交际。5 融合学科内容。教材强调学科之间的整合。精选学生最需要了解的 最感兴趣的 最有普及价值的 与学生日常生活联系最紧密的学科知识内容,融入到语言材料之中,使学生在...