四年级上 culture1说课稿

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教学计划:culture1: schools

教学内容】开心学英语》〉第三册 culture1 schools

根据新课表的要求,本课的教学内容需要两课时,本课是第一课时,本课时要求学生掌握的新单词有: classroom,cafeteria, restroom, library, school bus, slide, swing, playground.

新的表达有: she lives in …

复习旧句型who’s she? her name’s …/what’s she doing? she’s playing on the swing.

/what can you see in the…?/what can you do in …?do you like …?

what subjects do you like? /what do you lke?




教学目标】1) 通过课前两分钟的打招呼,创设出以参观学校为主线的话题,吸引学生的学习兴趣,提高他们学习英语的积极性,把他们的注意力全部集中起来。

2) 在教师的引导下一步步来学习本课的新单词。词句结合让学生更有效地记忆所学的内容。

3) 根据本课教学主题和言语交际的需要,用ppt方式提供一定主题内容的**和关键词句,培养学生在key points辅助下进行口语表达的能力。

3) 借助多**网络资源,让学生自主听读有关地方的介绍及其语言描述,使学生在交际的语境中自主学习新的语言知识,在自主反复的听读中增强语感,提高能力;并使学生学习的过程中逐步培养和提高运用现代信息技术辅助学习的意识和能力。

4) 通过师生问答、俩俩对话、小组合作等多种言语交际活动培养和提高口语交际能力和在日常生活中迁移运用英语的能力,以及运用英语进行思维的能力。

资源准备】1) 自主听的资源:1)听本课的新单词;



2) 辅助言语交际的材料:**和相关的keypoints。

教学过程】step i warming up:

1. saying hello:

t: hello, boys and girls. welcome to our are you today?

ss: fine, you ?

t: i’m doing i’ll introduce our school to you i’d like you to listen to our introduction .

step ii. presentation

1. h**e ss listen to by themselves ( new words in sentences)

2. -t: do you like our school?

-ss: yes,we do.

-t: look, here is our classroom.

learn “classroom”together. read,spell)

-t go on to say: this is our classroom. what can you see in the classroom?

-s1 might say: i can see many desks and chair in the classroom.

-s2 might say: i can see a clock in the clsssroom.

-s3 might say: i can see a blackboard in the classroom.

-t: what can you do in the classroom?

-s1 might say: we can play game in the classroom.

-s2 might say: i can h**e a party in the clsssroom.

-s3 might say: i can study english in the classroom.

by speaking out “then,here is our library ” are you hungry” “if you want to wash your hands , you can …”to elicit “library” “cafeteria” “restroom” then repeat the same as above. )

we will also need to ask: do you like reading books?

what subjects do you like?

what do you like?

t should motivate our ss “keep our school clean” by saying: our school is very beautiful ,so boys and girls you should keep our school clean , don’t drop the rubbish everywhere.

4. t: i’ve introduced all our room to you.

now, let’s go this is our playground. what can you see in the playground? yes, we can see a slide and a swing in the playground.

learn “playground”, slide” and “swing”.)

look, can you see a girl over there? who’s she? her name’s kelly.

she lives in the united states. what’s she doing now? she’s playing on the swing.

(review some countries they’ve learned. canada, china, britain…)


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