
发布 2023-01-29 04:52:28 阅读 1143


1、it is this your卧室)?


3、the风筝)is red . i like it.

4、my cat is very可爱).


) 1. a. bedroomb. kitchenc. book

) 2. a. fridge

) 3. a. classroom b. bedroomc. here

) 4. a. sheb. wec. her w w w .x k b o m

) 5. a. sister


)1. phone hot2. cute study

)3. sofa no4. in rice

)5. fridge window ( 6. nap snack


1. where the keys2the keys on the table?

in the a chinese girl ?

5this your in the door.


the she is living room ?

the where keys?

table are they the ?

no, aren’t . in the they are bath room .

5. has he glasses blue and are his shoes .

6、 look let’s h**e go a and .


) 1. are the on the table? a. it is near the window.

) 2. is this your they are.

) 3. what colour is your pen? d、 sure. here you are.

) 4. where is my she is.

) 5. is she in the it is.

)6、may i h**e a look? g. it is black.


)1、is this your bedroom ?

a. yes,they are. b. yes,it isn’t. is.

)2、where are your pens

on the desk is. are on the desk

)3、are the boys in the cla ssroom?

a yes,they aren’t. is. isn’t. are.

)4. are the keys in the door ? yes

a they aren't b it isn't c they are

)5. go to theh**e a snake.

a. living room b. bathroom c. kitchen

( )6. a: how many __do you h**e? b: i h**e 8.

a. classmate b. phonesc. bed

) 7. he __two small eyes.

a. is b. has c. h**e

( )8. what’s __name?

a. he b. shec. her


a. thank you. b. all right. c. you’re right.

)10、你想知道他是谁,应该怎么问:w w w .x k b o m

a. who is it? b. who is she? c. who is he?


hello!my name is zhang to my can see six rooms at my livingroom,a bathroom, a kitchen, a study and two bedrooms. the bathroom is near the livingroom.

the study is near my can see a computer, a desk, a chair, a shelf, a sofa and a lamp in the is big and nice.

1. you can see six rooms at zhang peng’s home. (

2. the kitchen is near the livingroom. (

3. the study is near zhang peng’s room. (

4. you can see a fridge in the study. (

5. zhang peng’s room is big and nice. (

6. there are(有) two bathroom at zhang peng’s home. (

摘要:一、根据意思,将下列单词补充完整 1、面包 br__d 2、鸡蛋 _gg 3、牛奶 m_lk 4、水 w_t_r


1、面包 br__d 2、鸡蛋 _gg 3、牛奶 m_lk 4、水 w_t_r

5、米饭 r_c_ 6、牛肉 b__f 7、肌肉 ch_ck_n 8、鱼 f_sh


( )1、what would you like?

a、i’d like some beef. b、let me try. c、help yourself.

( )2、how much?

a、here’s a fish. b、great. c、five yuan.

( )3、can i h**e some rice, please?

a、thanks. b、sure. c、let me try.

( )4、mom, can i help?

a、yes. pass me a fork. b、me too. c、i’d like an egg.

( )5、see you tomorrow.

a、thank you. b、good night. c、see you.


( )1、what would you like for dinner?

( )2、can i h**e some noodles, please?

( )3、i like chinese food.

( )4、is this your bedroom?

( )5、what can you see in my room?

( )6、how much?

( )7、where are the keys?

a、they’re in the door.

b、yes, it is.

c、i’d like an egg, some milk and a hamburger.

d、six yuan.

e、sure. here you are.

f、me too.

g、i can see a chair and a desk.


mike: mom, i’m hunger. what’s for dinner?

mom: wait and see. what would you like?

mike: i’d like some noodles, some beef, some fish and soup.

mom: what would you like for dinner, amy?

amy: i’d like some fish and vegetables, please.

mom: what would you like, dear?

dad: i’d like some noodles and some fish.

mom: everything’s ready.

amy: thank you, mom.

mike: great

dad: thanks.

( )1、mom: what would you like?

mike: i’d like some noodles and some vegetables

( )2、mom: what would you like?

amy: i’d like some fish and vegetables.

( )3、mom: what would you like?

dad: i’d like some rice and some fish.

( )4、mom: everything’s ready.

mike: great.

( )5、there are five people in mike’s family.


期中考试质量分析。2011 2012学年第二学期 科目。英语。班级四年级总分。任课教师。平均分。许梅。及格率。考试时间。学生人数总评。在教学中我力求体现新课标要求,根据学生的实际情况合理设计教案。通过这次的考试发现对学生不太了解,对部分学生平时课堂要求的目标不够明确,部。教分学生学习比较浮躁,学习态...


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小学英语四年级上册期末试卷。英语。把答案书写到答题纸上。一 选出下列每组单词中与其他不属于同类的一项。5 2分 10分 1.a.thin b.tall c.eyed.short 2.a.driver b.doctor c.music d.nurse 3.a.window b.math book c....