
发布 2023-02-03 09:55:28 阅读 6346


课程名称:《 英语 》 开课学年:2018


一、单词互译(每题1分,共14分)(得分: )



13. cat14. 那些。

二、判断下列单词画线部分读音是否相同,相同的写“t”,不相同的写“f”。(每题1分,共6分)(得分: )

( )1. boy dog bag2. big bag pig

) get mango4. go do how

) fridge good6. cat nice cake

三、圈出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。(每题1分,共10分)(得分: )

1. dog monkey animal2. cat fat cute

3. pig horse box4. these those toys

5. elephant pandas tigers6. duck pandas pig

7. tigers monkeys toy8. cute fat like

9. lions pigs animals10. these cats those

四、英汉互译(每题2分,共20分)(得分: )

1. 这匹马2. 我的猫。

3. 喜欢狗4.有一块蛋糕。

5. 那些猴子6. these animals

7. a cute monkey

9. your fat toy elephant

五、选出正确的英文翻译。(每题2分,共10分)(得分: )


a. what are thesec. what’s that?

b. what are those?

( )2.看这些玩具狮子。

a. look at this toy lionc. look at these toy lions.

b. look at those toy lions.


a. that is a elephantc. this is an elephant.

b. that is an elephant.

4. 你喜欢马吗?

a. do you like horsesc. do you like dogs?

b. do you like monkeys?

5. 我不喜欢老虎。

a. i like tigersc. do you like tigers?

b. i don’t like tigers.

六、根据对话内容,判断正(t)误(f)。(每题2分,共10分)(得分: )

a: look at these toy animals in the bedroom. do you like animals?

b: yes, i do. i like cats very much.

a: what’s that under the chair?

b: it’s a toy lion.

a: i’d like that red toy tiger. what would you like?

b: the blue toy lion.

1. a and b are at school.

2. b likes animals.

3. the toy lion is on the chair.

4. b would like the red toy lion.

5. a would like a toy tiger.

七、从右栏中选出与左边相对应的答句。(每题2分,共10分)(得分: )

)1. look at my catsa. no, i don’t.

( )2. what are theseb. thank you.

( )3. look at this elephantc. they’re toy animals.

( )4. this toy tiger is for youd. they’re cute.

( )5. do you like piese. it’s fat.

八、单项选择。(每题1分,共10分)(得分: )

( )1. jiang li likes this .

a. horseb. horsesc. a horse

( )2. —do you like lionsthey are very dangerous(危险的).

a. yes, i dob. yes, i amc. no, i don’t.

( )3. this is an

a. tigerb. elephantc. eggs

( )4. i h**e three toy

a. monkeyb. a monkeyc. monkeys

( )5animals can you see in the picture? —i can see five.

a. howb. how manyc. where

( )6. —what’s thata fat tiger.

a. it’sb. they’rec. they

( )7. that’s pencil case.

a. ib. myc. he

( )8. —thank you

a. all rightb. okc. not at all

( )9. —i like blue skirtsblue is beautiful.

a. okb. noc. me too


一 根据汉语填空 10分 1 it is this your卧室 2 it s距离近 the窗户 3 the风筝 is red i like it.4 my cat is very可爱 二 选出不同类的单词 10分 1.a.bedroomb.kitchenc.book 2.a.fridge 3.a....


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