
发布 2023-01-27 01:47:28 阅读 8299





) cat b. cap c. cake

) b. cake c. make

) the window b. clean the blackboard c. clean the door

) the classroom b. in the desk c. near the window

) white light yellow door c. a black computer



h**e 4 new lights.(

desk is new.(

door is small.(

computer is near the window.(

computer is black.(




)1、 b. floor c. window d. near

)2、a. blackboard b. fan c. light d. computer

)3、a. classroom b. light d. picture

( )4、a onb in c. teacher’s desk d. near

)5、 des b. pupil c. student d. teacher


三、从方框里选择句子把对话补充完整 (只填序号)。(4分)

a: we h**e a new classroom?

blet’s go and see.

c: it’s so big! but it’s dirty(脏的).

aabc: ok.

a: let me clean the teacher’s desk.cb

c: thank you.

a. let me help you.

b. let’s clean the classroom.

me clean the windows.


( )is itb. it’s a bee.

( )h**e a new classroom. c. it’s in a desk.

( )is itd. one tv, many desks and chairs…

( )in the classroom? e. it’s on the wall.


jie :let me clean the board . amy

a. thank you. c./


in the classroom ? b. what’s on the wall ?


a. this is a new classroom. h**e a new classroom .

where’s my book ?b

a. it’s near the door . b) it’s a book.

5.让我们一起擦玻璃吧新|课 |标|第 |一| 网。

a. let’s clean the windows . b) let me clean the windows.

6. —let’s clean the windows

a. yes. b. ok. c. sorry.

7. letclean the floor.

a. my b. i c. me

8. mikemiss white: thank you!

a. let me clean board. b. let’s clean the board. c. let me help you.

9. —in the classroom? —a board, two lights, many desks and chairs.

a. where b. what’s c. how many

10. thismy classroom

a. am b. is c. are x k b 1 . c o m


a. turn on the light . b. sweep the floor . c. open the door.

d. put up the picture. e. clean the window.


classroom, the, what’s(?)

the, clean, let, door(.)

window, it’s, the(.)

a, computer, we, new(.)

5. computer, the, green, is(.)


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