四年级 上 月考试卷

发布 2023-01-27 01:45:28 阅读 1227


1.火车___2. 电影院___3 dragon___4. china___

5**___6. 看到___7. hungry __



3. man(复数形式缩写形式。

5. let us(缩写6. children(单数。

完整形式8. swim. (现在分词。



right running next at is)

1. i live __no.2 park street.

2. turn __

3. we are __in the park

4. it is __to a supermarket.

___my book ?


) 1. _name is doudou.

b. my am

) 2. _is the house?

it is near our school.

a. what b. where c. who

) 3 excuse __

a. me c. my

) 4 .thank you __

a. so many b. too much c. so much

) is __tv.

a. watches b. watch c. watching

) 6are you doing?

i am reading a book.

a. what b. where c .who

) 7. look __these pictures

a. at b. i c. on

) is __friend, daming.

a. a b. my

( )is talking __her friend.

a. to b. and c. for

) tom doing?

a. is b. am c. are


)1. what are you doing? a. the car is near the school.

)2. what is amy doing? b. i’m watching tv.

)3. where is the school? c. it’s drawing pictures.

)4. what’s the elepant doing? d. go straight on.

)5. where is the car? e. she’s listening to music.


1. they are doing what (

2. boat they rowing are a dragon (

3. at station it’s the (.

4. is she reading a book (

5. near is houses the it (



a. excuse me. b. how are you. c. thank you.


a. this is my mother.

b. this is my sister.

c. this is my brother.


a. it’s next to the supermarket.

b. it’s in a school.

c. it’s on your left.


a. thank you. b. goodbye. c. you’re welcome.


a. they’re jumping. b. they’re dancing . c. they’re singing.


hello , i’ m amy. look at these pictures. this is my father.

he’s listening to music. this is my mother. she’s watching tv.

this is my sister, lily. she’s reading a book. oh.

look at me, i’m flying a kite. i love my family.

)1. father is watching tv.

) is reading a book.

) is amy’s sister.

)4. amy is flying a kite.

)5. amy loves her family.


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