
发布 2023-01-25 11:29:28 阅读 1621

一、教学内容:story time

二、 教学目标:

1. 学生能正确理解、朗读并表演story time.

2. 学生能掌握不同日常行为的英语动词词组get up, go to school, go home, h**e dinner, watch tv, go to bed和表示时间的词组in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening并能用i …at…的句型表达自己一天的作息安排。

3. 学生能运用when do you …?来询问他人的时间安排。

4. 通过课文的学习,引导学生合理安排自己学习生活的好习惯。


1. 学生能在情景中正确理解和掌握when do you …?的问句和i…at …的答句。

2. 学生能正确描述自己一天丰富多彩的活动。


1. usually, every的发音正确。

2. 时间的正确表达。



step1 warm up

1. greetings

2. free talk

what day is it today? do you like thursday/..why?

step2 pre-reading

1. review the time, teach “in the morning(am)/afternoon(pm)/evening.”


myday3. talk about my day

1) 师生对话,谈论老师起床、回家、吃晚饭的时间,学习时间和行为的表达。

eg:t: when do i get up?

s: at 7:00.

t: yes, at 7:00 in the morning. also, we can say at 7:00am.

2) 同法引出in the afternoon和pm的教学。

3) drill and practice:

a: hello, ×when do you…?

b: i … at… /at…

step3while reading

1. 过渡:would you like to know mike’s day?

do you h**e any questions for him? (学生自由提问hi, mike. when do you…?

)2. watch and answer:

the story is about mike’s.

a: morningb: afternoon c. eveningd. day

2. know more about mike’s day.

1)listen and match.

mike’s morning:


get up12:00

go to school7:00am

h**e lunch7:40am

2) check: who would like to be mike?

s1: i...at...校对板书morning部分)

and fill in blanks.

1)mike’s afternoon:

2) check: who would like to be mike

3) s1: i ..at...校对板书afternoon部分)

4. look and say

1) mike’s evening

2) check: who would like to be mike?

s1: i usually h**e dinner at.

i ..at seven.

i...every day.(校对板书evening部分)

5. read and imitate.

6. dub for the story.

7. act out the story.

check: which mike do you like? why?

8. retell the story

t: hi, i’m mike. i …(加上动作)

9. t: so, mike, what do you think of your day? can you describe it? my day!why?

10. 习惯教育:

t: so i think it’s very important to arrange a reasonable time!

step4 post reading

1. 过渡:this is mike’s day. it’s time for you to talk about your day.


2. show time.

step5 consolidation

1. ppt:

时间表达(顺读法): 时在前,分在后,按顺序直接读出时和分即可。eg: 8:30 eight thirty

表示时间的词组:in the morning(am), in the afternoon(pm), in the evening.

询问他人在什么时候做什么,用:when do you…?

告诉别人自己在什么时候干某事,说: i … at…

step6 homework


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xx市翻译协会及xx大学外国语学院。英语培训中心。英语讲义 小学4年级 english grade 4 主编。专业品质,值得信赖 教学目标 在此讲义中,我们基于孩子本身的英语课本将进行适量的延伸和拓展,提供大量的生活情境,目的就是让孩子们可以在听听 说说 唱唱 玩玩中更有效的学习英语,培养孩子的学习...