
发布 2023-01-23 09:28:28 阅读 6638


a00:02.66]unit one our school

00:06.95]look!that is the playground.看!那是操场。

00:11.67]this is the canteen.这是食堂。

00:15.20]this is our school.这是我们的学校。


00:20.91]this is the library!这是图书馆!


00:25.54]is this the computer room?这是计算机室吗?

00:28.95]no,this is the teacher's office.这是教师办公室。

00:33.64]is that the teacher's office,too? 那是老师的办公室,也是?

00:38.25]no,that is the library. 不,那是图书馆。

00:42.90]a let's learn


00:47.34]teacher's office 教师办公室。

00:48.65]library图书馆 garden花园 canteen食堂。

00:51.96]where is the canteen?请问食堂在哪儿?

00:53.99]it's on the first floor.在第一层。

00:56.24]let's do

01:04.29]go to the garden.去花园。

01:05.81]water the flowers.浇花。

01:07.38]go to the library.去图书馆。

01:08.87]read a story-book.读故事书。

01:10.40]go to the canteen.去食堂。

01:12.03]eat some noodles.吃面条。

01:13.65]go to the teacher's office.去教师办公室。

01:15.20]hand in the homework.交家庭作业。

01:16.94]go to the playground.去操场。

01:18.39]play football.踢足球。

01:20.71]let's talk

01:22.08]welcome to our school!欢迎来我们学校!

01:23.87]this is the teacher's office.这是教师办公室。

01:26.28]that is my classroom.那是我的教室。

01:28.27]how many students are there in your class? 你们班上有多少学生?


01:32.55]do you h**e a library?你们有图书馆吗?


01:35.86]do you h**e lunch at school?学校有午餐吗?


01:38.83]the canteen is on the first floor.食堂在一楼。

01:41.59]this way,please.请走这边。

01:43.19]look!this is our playground.看。这是我们的操场。

01:45.38]oh,your school is beautiful.哦。你们的学校真漂亮。

01:49.36]let's play 演一演。

01:51.55]that is the canteen!那是食堂!

01:54.46]read and write

01:56.46]we h**e a new computer room!我们有个新计算机教室。

01:58.66]oh! let's go there.哦!我们到那儿去吧。

02:00.79]look,one board,看,一块写字板,02:03.09]two fans,four lights...两个风扇,四个灯。

02:05.70]and ten new computers!还有十台新电脑!

02:08.11]i like this one.我喜欢这一台。

02:09.73] is my computer!.对不起。这是我的电脑!

02:12.27]that is your computer.那台是你的。


02:15.69]this is my computer!这是我的电脑!

02:17.41]that is your computer.那台是你的。


00:03.23]our school 我们的学校。

00:04.71]let's learn学一学。

00:07.01]art room 绘画教室。

00:08.45]computer room 计算机教室。


00:11.20]music room**教室。

00:12.28]gym体育馆 tv room电视机房。

00:14.48]where is the art room?请问绘画教室在**?

00:16.25]it's on the second floor.在第二层。

00:18.33]let's chant 唱一唱 ……

00:47.11]let's talk讲一讲。

00:48.74]look,this is my school.看,这是我的学校。

00:51.46]great! 太好了!

00:52.37]is this the library?这是图书馆吗?

00:54.35]yes,it is.是的。

00:56.10]is that the art room?那个是绘画教室吗?

00:58.14]no,it isn't.不是。

00:59.83]it's the music room.那是**教室。

01:01.74]the art room is on the first floor. 艺术的房间在一楼。

01:04.44]is that the tv room?那个是电视机房吗?

01:06.39]no,it isn't.不是。

01:07.64]it's the computer room.那是计算机教室。

01:09.39]wow! your school is cool!哇!你的学校真棒!

01:12.47]thank you.谢谢你。

01:14.13]let's play 演一演。

01:16.15]look carefully.仔细观察。

01:18.76]is this the tv room?这是电视机房吗?

01:21.50]no!it's the washroom.不!是卫生间。

01:25.55]that's right!对!

01:27.62]read and write读一读,写一写。

01:29.64]is this a teacher's desk?这是讲台吗?

01:31.68]yes,it is.是的。

01:33.44]what's on it?那上面是什么?

01:34.62]let's go and h**e a look.让我看看。

01:36.58]is this a tv?这是电视吗?

01:38.19]no,it's a computer.不,是电脑。

01:40.10]is that a picture?那是**吗?

01:41.87]no,it's a map.不,是地图。

01:43.60]this is the floor.这个是地板。

01:45.78]that is the wall.那个是墙。

01:47.53]yes,you're right.是的,你说对了。

01:49.48]is this a teacher's desk?这是讲台吗?

01:51.57]yes,it is.是的。


00:03.36]our school我们的学校。

00:05.28]task time 任务时间。

00:08.20] your school map.设计你的校园地图。

00:12.80] about your school.讲一讲你的校园。

00:17.30]is this the library?这是图书馆。

00:20.43]yes,it is.是的。

00:23.69]this is the playground!这是操场!



00:30.91]a cake蛋糕 snake蛇 grapes葡萄 face脸。

00:39.59]apple苹果 bag背包 cat猫 hat帽子。

00:46.60]let's check核对一下。


00:50.69]this is the library.这是图书馆。

00:52.80]we h**e many picture books.我们有许多图画书。

00:55.25] is the canteen.那是食堂。

00:58.59]we h**e lunch here.我们在这儿吃午餐。

01:01.15] this in artroom?这是美术教室吗?

01:05.54]yes,it is.是的。

01:08.26] that a computer room?那是计算机教室吗?


unit one my school 第一单元我的学校。look that s the playground.看!那是操场。where s the library?图书馆在哪儿?it s next to the art room.它在美术室的旁边。oh,no that s my library 哦!...


pepbook4 unit6 a let s learn导学案。unit6 at a farm学习内容。a let s learn 课时。1课时。课型。预习 展示 反馈。四年级下册第六单元第一课时let s learn呈现的是一幅农场图,图中引出了本课要求重点掌握的单词sheep,hen,cow,h...


1 绿遍山原白满川,子规声里雨如烟。这两句诗的意思是 山坡原野草木茂盛,一片葱茏,而稻田里的水色与天光相辉映,满目亮白,杜鹃声声啼叫,天空中烟雨蒙蒙。绿原 白川 子规 烟雨,作者寥寥几笔就把江南水乡初夏时特有的景色勾勒了出来。2 乡村四月闲人少,才了蚕桑又插田。这两句诗的意思是 四月到了,农民都开始...