
发布 2023-01-21 17:06:28 阅读 3977

pep人教版四年级下册unit4 it’s warm today.

b.let’s learn




1)能听说读写windy,cloudy, sunny, rainy和snowy等有关天气的单词。

2)能听说会运用here is the world weather. it’s、能力目标。

能在情景中运用句型here is the world weather. it’s ..






1、能听说读写windy,cloudy, sunny, rainy和snowy有关天气的单词。2、能听说并熟练运用here is the world weather. it’s ..

in ..这两个句型。



2、运用句型here is the world weather. it’s ..做天气预报。






t: class stand up, please.

t: good morning, boys and good morning, miss how are you?

s: fine,thank chant.

t: what’s the weather like in ganzhou today?s:

it’s(视当天情况定)t: yes. do you like chanting?

s: yes, i do.

t:ok,at first,let’schant.

老师**a的chant,师生一起chant并伴有动作)t: well done .ok, sit down , thank you.


t:ok, boys and girls ,this lesson we are going to collect is from line1 to line 5,and group2 is from line 6 to line 10 .let’s h**e a competition.

are you clear?ss: yes.

t: come on boys and girls.(二) sunnyleadin:

boysandgirls, thislessonwewilllearnblet’ something about world weather. now follow me ,please.(带读课题)ok, look at the screen, here is the world map.

here is london /moscow/beijing/singapore/sydney.(呈现世界地图,老师指着地图并一一说出这五个城市名,然后带读五个地名)asyouallknow,differentcitiesh**edifferentweather in the world. look, here’s the world weather.

do you known theweather in london ?look at the screen and guess :what’s the weatherlike in london?

(ppt呈现晴天的**)ss: it’s 拿出单词卡)sunny(升调)-sunny(降调)跟读。

t: ok. you read it two by two .

(此时读得好的一组加阳光)t: ok. can you read and spell it ?

ss: yes. s-u-n-n-y- sunny.

ss: it’s sunny in singapore .(将句子呈现于课件)

t: wow, so clever. now read after me.

(带读句子,将what’s the weatherlike in singapore ?一起带读,学生跟读)

can you read and spell“what’s the weather like in singapore ?”

ss: yes.(拼读)

t: ok, show me your fingers ,let’s write it together.(此时老师将句子写到黑板上,学生伸出手指跟着老师一起写,防止学生开小差)

t:and we can answer“it’sin”(同样的展示到黑板)ok,followme ,please.(带读句子)now ,look at the screen ,group1 ask and group 2

answer, clear?


t: good ,let’s change.(两组交换读,加分) cloudy

boys and girls, now, look at the screen ,where is it?ss: it’s sydney

t: what’s the weather like in sydney?(课件依次呈现悉尼**及cloudy的标识。)ss: it’s cloudy.

t; yes, it’s cloudy. now follow me please . cloudy- cloudy-c[k]-ou[au]-y[i]- 升调)-cloudy(降调)-c-l-o-u-d-y 跟读。

t:ok. you read it 3times in groups.


)ss: read读完后叫5-6个程度较差学生个别读检测掌握情况t; wow, wow , great. now who can red it?


t:ok, let’s look at the screen .it’s cloudy in sydney.

follow me ,please. cloudy(升调)-cloudy(降调)-it’s cloudy in sydney. (学生跟读句子—自读两遍)3.

同样的方法依次教授windy, rainy和snowy并将词句结合教学1)windy:用row by row的方式操练2)rainy用one by one的方式操练3)snowy用line by line的方式操练。


1.回归到黑板。read after me.

2.学生升降调拼读单词;boys and girls ,now you read the words together,ok?(ss:齐读)

good ,next please open your books and turn to listen to thetape and repeat. then , follow the tape .do you understand ?

(ss: yes)4.老师带读或学生自读49页内容。

5.游戏唱反调,大小声操练单词。now,boysandgirls, let’s play a game, when i read loudly, you should read lowly,are you clear? (ss:

yes) ,i read once ,you read twice ,ok? ready go .

6.看卡片标识说单词并拼读出单词。如出示晴天的标识,说出sunny,并拼读。ok, boys and girls ,let’s play the other game ,when you look at my cards ,you shouldsay the word and spell it quickly, are you ready?

(ss: yes. )ok, look carefully.


7.what’stheweatherlikeinsingapore?it’ ask and group2 answer ,then exchange. (用课件呈现城市、单词与句子操练句型)

3)can you report the weather like the boy in the book?(先叫两位同学示范,然后同桌间操练,最后展示并给予一定的奖励)


五)consolidation and extension

choose the right answer(通过做选择题,总结每个单词都是以y结尾,这些单词都是有名词加上y变成的形容词。)

boys and girls , take out your *****s ,let’s do some exercises, you should finish itin 2mins…

1)check the answers

2)总结规律。what do you find ?who can answer me ?s1…s2…

to a weather report and fill in the form.(将**呈现于课件)3.from next week, i wantto h**e a long journey around the world .can you tell methe weather of different cities?

look at thescreen; it’sa want to goto these place . please do a weather report for me .now, take off your ***** and doit?

(3 minutes later, ask some students to show it.)(将句型呈现于课件中,地图上呈现更多的世界城市)



boys and girls,what h**ewe learnt today? (教师边引导边叫学生说),weh**e learnt…


wonderful, i think all of you h**e learnt the weather very well, now, let’slook atthe homework)

1.listen and read p462.copy the five words

3.make a weather report to your parents


boys and girls ,look at the board ,we can group…is better. so you can get 1 point.(十)class is over

板书设计:unit4 it’s warm let’s learn

what’s the weather like in…?




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