
发布 2023-01-22 10:14:28 阅读 9984


unit 3 seasons

单词】season 季节 weather天气 different 不同的 place 地方。

spring 春天 summer 夏天 autumn 秋天winter 冬天

warm 温暖的 cool 凉爽的 because因为rain 下雨

snow 下雪 wet潮湿dry干燥cloudy多云的。

windy有风的 sunny有阳光的 swan天鹅ride骑。

snowman雪人 beautiful美丽的 why为什么ugly丑陋的

短语】ride a bike骑自行车cool and dry凉爽干燥

make a snowman堆雪人 a fun holiday有趣的假日

read a poster 阅读海报go for a swim去游泳。

the ugly duck丑小鸭fly away 飞走了。

mother duck母鸭fly a kite放风筝。

be /come from 来自hurry up 快点。

句型】1. what is the weather like?

it’s cold.

it often snows.

2. where are you from? i am from …

3. what’s your f**orite season? i like…

4. when do you want to go? in summer.

5. why do you like summer?

because i like swimming.

语法】1.学会使用“你/她来自哪儿的?句型及回答。be from=come from来自。

where are you from? i am from …

where is she/ he from? she /he is from …

where do you come from? i come from …

where does she/he come from? she /he comes from …

2. 问关于及某地的天气的句型用:what’s the weather like in+(地方)in+(季节)?

eg. what’s the weather like in harbin in winter?

it often snows

是问原因的特殊疑问句,回答时用because 引导句子。

4. 时间介词in , on, at的基本用法:

(1) in: 一般用于月份,季节,年份等较大的时间。 如: in december, in summer, in 2001

( 2 ) on: 一般用于具体某日, 生日等。如:on december 25th, on tim’s birthday,

3 ) at: 一般用于较为具体的时间。如:at seven, at 8:35 有时也可用于表示在某节日期间。 如:at christmas 在圣诞节期间。


1 it oftenin summer. (rains/ dry/ hot)

2 it’s oftenin winter. (snows/wet/)

3 it oftenthere in winter. (rain/rains/rainy)

4 __do you want to go there? in summer. (what/ when/ how)

5 __do you want to go there? because i can play there. (when/why/how)

6are you from? (where/ what/when)

7is the weather like there in winter? (where/ what/when)

8does the ugly duck feel? it’s sad. (what/ when/ how)

9. youyou look the same. (are like/ like)

10. i __english. (are like/ like)


) oftenin harbin in winter.

a. snow b. snowsc. is snowing

) don't go out now.

a. rain b. rainsc. is raining

) autumn .

a. is dry c. is drying

) harbin in winter .

a. cool b. cold c. warm

)5are you from? i’m from harbin.

a. when b. what c. where d. /

)6. what’s the weatherthere in winter?

a. like b. look c. tod. at

)7. what’s the weather like in spring? it’s __and

a. cold, went b. warm, went c. cool, dry d. hot, dry

)8. why do you want to go therei can swim

a. sob. because c. andd. then


( )1it’s cool and dry.

a. how is the weather likeb. what’s the date today?

c. what’s the weather like in spring?

)2no, it doesn’t.

a. is it raining outsideb. does it often snow in winter?

c. does pat ride a bike there?

( )3he is from shanghai.

a. where does your uncle come fromb. where is your friend from?

c. where is your aunt from?

( )4take off your coat, please.

a. it is hotb. it is coolc. it is cold.

( )5i like spring.

a. what would you likeb. what’s your f**ourite weather?

c. what’s your f**orite season?

四、连词成句,注意标点符号及大小写。(10分 )

1. are from where the new students ?

2. not please run the in do corridor .

3. do go when you to want ?


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