
发布 2023-01-19 08:18:28 阅读 9350






1. whattony doing now? _reading a book.

2. is your brothernow? no, he

3. theysinging. they are painting.






)1、let’s___a game . ok.

a、playing b、play c、play for


a、monday b、sunday c、saturday

)3、a: what are you doing ? b: i___the bus.

a、washing b、wash c、am washing

)4、a:__for the bus ? b: no, they aren’t.

a、are they waiting b、they’re waiting

c、what are they waiting.

)5、a snake __

a、can talk b、can’t swim c、can’t jump

)6、white and __is gray.

a、black b、purple c、blue

)7、__has the longest(最长的) neck.

a、an elephant b、a giraffe c、a snake

)8、__has a face and three hands.

a、a clock b、sorry c、busy

)9、i’m __i can’t go to play with you.

a、happy b、sorry c、busy

)10、what’s he doing? he___

a、is joging b、jogging c、is jogging


1、is , he , putting , the , plates , on , table ,

2、her , is , doing , grandmother , what ,

3、everyone , what , now , is , doing ,

4、they , furniture , are , the , dusting (

八、单词运用。( 10分 )

1、these are her肩膀 ).

2、tony and jenny are清扫地板 ) in the room.

3、my mother is工作 ).

4、gogo is折叠衣服 ) in the bedroom.

5、are you练习 ) the piano with me ?

九、用现在进行时完成下列句子。( 8分)

1、whatyou __do ) idraw ).

2、tonyw**e ) benmove ) his desk .

3、heput ) his books on the desk .

4、jenny and lisajump ).

5、theyexercise ) there.



1. he’s washing the ciothes.

2. he’s doing the dishes.

3. it is cleaning the window.

4. she’s sweeping the floor.

5. she’s ****** the bed.

6. she’s washing the car.

7. she’s dusting the furniture.

8. he’s watering the plants.

9. this is a lake.

三、 听音,填上所缺单词,使句子完整正确。

1. what __is___tony doing now? _he’s___reading a book.

2. is your brother __talking___now? no, he __isn’t___

3. they __aren’t___singing. they are painting.


2011 2012学年度第二学期。四年级语文第二单元测试题。班别姓名座号得分。卷面分3分。第一部分基础知识积累与运用 32分 一 读拼音,写汉字。5分 j n z n z n y n ku n d i p b i b k n 二 比一比,再组词 4分 1 根据 j j 资料显示,在第二次世界大战前,...


白坭镇第二小学2013 2014学年度第二学期第三单元测试题。四年级语文。测试时间 100分钟满分为100分,其中3分为清洁分 一。看拼音,写词语。5分 b k i q t y u gu ch n sh sh t n 二 用 划出句中的错别字,改正后写在括号里。4分 森林面貌吨时改观了 林子里又宽敞...


四年级语文第二学期第二单元练习卷。班别姓名成绩。一 我会拼,还会写。w i ch c i f sh y d o d b i hu b n ch ku z ng sh gu b d j ng zh n q zh ng q ng x ng 二 我会辨字组词。驰或捎拨。池惑稍拔。使赠拮赚。驶增洁嫌。三 补...