
发布 2023-01-18 12:32:28 阅读 1551


dinner’s ready

单词 beef 牛肉 chicken 鸡肉 noodles 面条(复数)soup 汤 vegetable(s) 蔬菜(复数)chopsticks 筷子(复数) bowl 碗 fork叉子 knife 刀 spoon 勺子。

dinner正餐 ready准备好help yourself 请自便, 随便吃 pass 给,递 try 尝试。

let’s spell:

e [i:] me 我 he 他 she 她 we我们 be be动词。

e [e] bed床 red红色 pencil铅笔 get得到 let让。

句型:1 what’s for dinner? 晚餐吃什么?

2---what would you like ? 你想吃什么?

---i’d like some soup and bread, please 我想喝汤,吃面包。

3 i’m hungry. 我饿了。

4 wait and see. 等等看吧。

5 dinner’s ready. 晚饭准备好了。

6 help yourself. 请随便吃。

7 would you like a knife and fork? 你想要刀叉吗? no, thanks. 不用,谢谢。

8 i can use chopsticks. 我会用筷子。

9 would you like some soup? 你想要一些汤吗?yes, please. 是的,请(给我一些)。

10 pass me the knife and fork, please .请递给我刀和叉。

短语:some beef 一些牛肉 some vegetables 一些蔬菜 i’d like = i would like 想要 a knife and fork 一副刀叉 five yuan 5元 here you are给你 help yourself 随便吃吧 on my dish 在我盘子上 pass me the bowl 递给我碗 pass me the knife 递给我刀 let’s try it. 让我们试试 cut the vegetables 切蔬菜 use the spoon用勺子 use the fork 用叉子。


1. -what would you like for dinner ?晚餐你想吃什么?

---i’d like some soup and bread , please . 我想要汤和面包。

2. -would you like a knife and fork ? 你想要刀叉吗?

---no , thanks . 不了,谢谢。

3. -would you like some soup??你想要来点汤吗?

---yes, please. 好的,请来一点儿。

4. -what would you like?(你想吃什么?)

---i’d like some vegetables , please.(我想吃蔬菜)

5. -what would you like for dinner?(晚餐你想吃什么?)

--some fish and vegetables, please.(鱼和蔬菜)

6. -dinner’s ready! (晚餐准备好了) -thanks! (谢谢)

7. -would you like some soup?(你想要汤吗?) yes, please!(好的。)

8. -would you like a knife and fork? (你想要刀叉吗?)

---no, thanks. i can use chopsticks. (不,谢谢,我会用筷子。)

9. -can i h**e a knife and fork, please? (我能用刀和叉吗?)

---yes. but try chopsticks for noodles. (可以。但试试用筷子吃面条。)


unit 5dinner is rendy 第一课时。课题。unit5 dinner s ready a let s 课型。learn let s play 词汇句型课。1能听 说 认读五个有关食物的单词 noodles,chicken,beef,soup,vegetables,并能根据图意填空。2...


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