
发布 2022-12-30 18:57:28 阅读 1480


学习目标: new words and sentences in the text


学习重点:words, phrases, and the grammar.

学习难点:reading skills and the grammar.


it never rains, but it pours不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。

part 1 中考词汇拓展。


1. shower n. -showers(复数)阵雨,淋浴。

2. rise n. -rose (过去式) 升起;上升;增加 --risen (过去分词) -rising (现在分词)

3. set v. -set (过去式) (日,月)落沉;放置;制定 --set (过去分词) -setting (现在分词)

4. exact adj. -exactly (副词)恰好地,正确地。

5. boot n. -boots (复数) 靴,靴子。

6. blossom n. -blossoms (复数) 花朵。

7. swing v. -swung(过去式/过去分词) 打秋千,摇摆 --swinging (现在分词)

8. melt v. -melted (过去式/过去分词) 融化melting (现在分词)

9. hillside n. -hillsides (复数)小丘, 山坡。

10. gently adv. -gentle (形容词)温柔的;轻轻地。

11. wind n. -windy (形容词)有风的;多风的。

12. budding adj. -bud (名词)芽,萌芽。

13. millimeter n. -millimeters (复数)毫米;千分之一米。

14. nearly adv. -near (形容词)近的;亲近的。

15. babysit v. -babysitter (名词)临时保姆babysat(过去式/过去分词)

16. bar n. -bars (复数) 栏;酒吧。

17. push v.--pushed(过去式/过去分词) 推,按下 --pushing(现在分词)

18. rabbit n. -rabbits(复数)兔子。

19. low adj. -lower(比较级) 较低的;较浅的 --lowest(最高级)最低的;最浅的。

20. bush n. -bushes (复数) 灌木。

part 2 美文赏析。

cloze test:

h**e you ever played on the swing? it’s happy to sit on the swing and __1__high above the ground on a sunny day. but do you know that swinging is a traditional

传统的)chinese game__2__a history of more than 2500 years? it was my __3__ game when i was a child. at that time, i climbed up the swing and asked my father to give me __4__every day.

my father liked__5___me some interesting stories. one of the stories is about the swing,which goes like this:

in old days, many people in a town died of the plague (鼠疫). so the living people had to ask the god to__6__ them. soon the plague was__7__.

in order to thank the god, people tried to find out an__8__way to show their happiness. one day, a man saw his little daughter playing __9__ on a swing. this g**e him a good idea.

_10__ a swing match became the best way to thank the god. since then, the swing was popular among the people.

)1. a. fly b. climbc. sing d. jump

)2. a. atb. withc. tod. on

)3. a. best b. f**orite c. worst d. most

)4. a. pushes b. money c. time d. advice

)5. a. saying b. speaking c. talking d. telling

)6. a. beat b. hitc. help d. see

)7. a. left b. finished c. closed d. over

)8. a. special b. important c. unusual d. funny

)9. a. partly b. happily c. lonely d. gently

)10. a. but b. orc. because d. so


kunming is called the spring city. it is the capital of yunnan. it is a city with a long history.

it is famous for its beautiful weather. it’s neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter. that’s why more and more people like to tr**el and even to live there.

people's lives are becoming better and better. on weekends or on holidays,people like to relax themselves in different places and in different ways. in winter, people, especially old people would like to climb the western hills.

from the top of the hills,you can h**e a good look at the beautiful scenery of kunming. far away from the hills, you can enjoy the “sleeping beauty” among the hills.

people in kunming are really friendly. they often invite their friends home to taste delicious food, like rice noodles. if you want to know more about kunming and taste its food,please visit it yourself!


1. kunming is famous as

2. what would people like to do in winter

4. what does the writer think of the people in kunming

part 3 语法精讲精练。

step 1:构词法。

1. 复合名词 headache postcard blackboard waiting-room

2. 复合代词 someone anybody nothing

3. 复合形容词man-made kind-hearted hard-working

4. 复合副词 upstairs everywhere

step 2:语法精练 connect a and b, then give the right translation









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