
发布 2022-12-30 16:39:28 阅读 9653






1. 你的脸咋了your face?

2. 你应该现在量一**温。you shouldnow.


4.我认为你应该躺下来休息。i think you shouldand rest.


6. 你应该离开电脑休息一下。you needaway from the computer.

7. 我觉得头很热。my head __very __

8. 使我惊讶的是,我爸爸同意让我玩电脑游戏。

my father agreed to let me play computer games

9. 我头疼。 i

10. 那听起来是个不错的主意。thata good idea.

11. 王老师喉咙疼。mr. wang

12. 我将在下一站下车。i'llthe bus at the next stop.

13.现在是6点钟了,我必须立刻走了。it's six o'clock. i must go

14.我的妈妈从不为自己考虑。my mother neverherself.

15.她不想制造麻烦。she doesn't want to

16.你应该喝一些加有蜂蜜的热茶。you should


mr wang, he got good grades.

18.许多人不想帮助别人是一种悲哀many people don’t want to help others

二、用所给词的正确形式填空 (共计9分)

1.at that time,rose saw her doglie) on the floor.

2.my father didn't agreetake) a vacation on the beach.

3.the young man stopped his car and helped the girl withoutthink) about.

4.it’s easysay), but difficultdo)

has astomach), so she doesn’t want to eat anything.

6. he had to lie down for a whilerest) his legs.

7. i h**e atooth) because there is a c**ity (洞) in one of mytooth).

8. mary hurther ) when she fell over .

9. my grandpa exercises for 3 hours to stayhealth) every day.


( )1i h**e a bad cold.

a.what are you doing b.how are you c.what's it d.what's the matter

) he saw the old woman fall down,he took her to the hospitalthinking.

a.across b.through c.without d.with

)3.—why is the cat on the table?—she jumpedit from the floor.

a. outside b.inside c.into d.onto

)4her husband,she now becomes a famous film star.

a.thanks to b.because c.thanks for d.with the help

)5.—let'sat the next stop,jack. the shopping center is just there.—no problem.

a.get on b.get off c.take off d.put off

) father agreedme a new bike.

a.to buy b.buying c.buy d.bought

)7.—alice, my head feels hot now

a. not at all b. you should go to a doctor c.

i’m sorry d. you shouldn’t tell it to your mother

)8.—why does sue look upset?—she went to the bookstore by bus but she __the bus at the wrong stop.

a. got off b. got up c. turned offd. turned up

)9. on my way home, i saw more than 100 women __in the square.

a. to danceb. are dancing c. to dancingd. dancing

)10. tom, put the keys on the table __i can remember to take them with me when i go out.

a. as long asb. unless c. so that d. because

)11maybe i shouldn’t say that — i might gettrouble.

a. for b. into c. by d. with

)12.—what’s the matter with tina

a. she is away. b.

she is cool. c. she has a sore throat.

d. she should take some medicine

)13、—tony, what’s __matter with you? —i h**e __toothache.

a. a; the b. the; a c. /the d. the; /

)14、 mr. smith eats __food, so he’s __fat.

a .much too; too much b .too many; much too c. too much; too much d. too much; much too

)15、you __be quiet when you are in the reading room.

a. should b. shouldn’t c. can d. can’t


it is eight o’clock on a saturday morning. the doors of the animal hospital are1___a little girl called emily__2__a small black dog and runs into dr. williams’s office.

3___toby. please! dr.

williams!” cries emily. “he ran into the street and was hit by a car.

” the dog is shaking. there is a lot of blood.


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