M2八年级上英语期末词汇复习导学案 二

发布 2022-12-30 04:43:28 阅读 6884


module 2 my home town and my country



1. 在海岸边 good

3. a newer of

5. 事实上6. as …as

7. in the 1980s8. remember to do sth

9.有一天 doing sth

11. what ’s the population of beijing12.忘记去做某事。

13. 以……而闻名忘记做过某事。


unit 1 it’s taller than many other buildings.

1. [你周末过得怎么样?

2. [很好!

3. well, it’s [,临近香港的沿海。

4. so it’s [,一座比香港更新兴的城市?

5. in fact, it only became important.在20世纪80年代

6. it’s 变得更大,更繁华。

7. some day it will 变得和香港一样繁华,[,我确信。


9. it’s,超过一千万i think.

比许多其他城市的人口更大in china.

streets are 宽阔得多、干净得多too


unit 2 cambridge is a beautiful city in the east of england.

by tony smith

i [,来自cambridge, a beautiful city 位于英格兰东部 it is

] 位于康河河畔and 有大约120,000人。

my home town 尤其因…而闻名its university. many famous people

studied here, [比如 isaac newton and charles darwin. students and tourists

]. 喜欢乘船沿河旅行。

四、london is在英格兰南部 and it is 泰晤士河畔。

it has a population of about 有大约七百五十万人it is famous for

big ben, buckingham palace and tower bridge.

england itself[, 一个岛的一部分tourists like the areas of

and [,低矮的群山和美丽湖泊


come and see england 在一年的任何时间but [,

随身带一把雨伞you will need it [,大多数日子。


is an icountry.

his in the from a small village(村庄).

is in the sof china.

4.—do you know what the pof china is now?

it’s over 1.3 billion.

building is ten metres h


city isbusy),wuhan or nanjing?

are manychurch)in london.

weather ishot)in hainan than that in beijing.

9.—how old are you?

i’m i’m asold)as my friend,tim.

likevisit)the diwang tower this summer.


xx年八年级英语下册2导学案1 2friendshipu1anutellehereu refr?第一时 预习 展示 听力 朗读 学习目标 1 认读新单词 读音标,分音节,记忆单词2听力训练 听取信息 3朗读 熟读文和词组。一 新单词 hldnlinerightnhetherrnt infataupl...


friendshipu1canyoutellehereyou refro?学习目标 1.认读新单词 读音标,分音节,记忆单词听力训练 听取信息 3.朗读 熟读课文和词组。一 新单词 新词组 holdonlinerightnohether.ornotinfactacouplefeelliebythea...


范文。mm2friendship u1canyoutellmewhereyou refrom?第一课时 预习 展示 听力 朗读 学习目标 1.认读新单词 读音标,分音节,记忆单词。2.听力训练 听取信息 3.朗读 熟读课文和词组。一 新单词 holdonlinerightnowwhether.orn...