
发布 2022-12-25 05:44:28 阅读 8870


part1a: i like this music! who’s it by?

b:well, i’m not sure, but sally’s school乐队) is playing it.

c: it’s by strauss. you’ve heard of __他) ,h**en’t you?

b: yes, i h**e. he was __德国), wasn’t he?

c: no, he wasn’t. he was __奥地利) .he was born vienna, the capital of __奥地利).

d: what’s it __叫做)?

c: the blue danube. the danube is the river in vienna.

b: you like __西方) classical music, don’t you?

c: yes, i do.

b: who’s your最喜爱) composer?

c: beethoven. but i __也) like pop music. you listen to pop music, don’t you?

b: no, she doesn’t .i think she’ll like传统) beijing opera.

a: hmm, it’s certainly very…traditional, isn’t it?

d: i’m a __迷) of rap.

a: hey! give us a休息)!

b: what究竟) is that ?

d: rap music.

a: i don’t相信) it!

part2vienna is a美丽而古老) city on the river danube. it’s the capital city of __奥地利) and the __中心) of欧洲) classical music. from 1750 a lot of作曲家) and**家) came to study and work in vienna.

the著名的) family of musicians was the strauss family.

there __有) two composers __叫做) johann strauss: a father and a son. the father, johann strauss年老), wrote and played music __为) a classical dance --a waltz.

his华尔兹) made him著名) all over europe.

the son, johann strauss the年轻) ,was even成功) and popular than his father. he __写more than 400 waltzes and his most famous one was the blue danube. he wrote it in 1867.

strauss and mozart were two of重要) composers.

mozart was born in austria in he was six he played不仅)the piano而且) the violin and the organ .his family __带) him游) the europe and he g**e**会 in many __城市。 he wrote his __一 opera at the age of 12 and百) of beautiful __首of music for the classical orchestra.

but he __死 in 1791 when he was only 35. some people say he was the伟大 european composers.

part 3

a: how is it __进展,lingling?

b: ssh! i’m reading.

a: sorry ! what’s the book?

b: sally __送 it to me. it’s __关于 a girl __叫做 alice.

a: go on.

b: one day she坐在) by the river __拿着 a book, but she wasn’t reading it突然a __白色rabbit ran __经过 her. it was looking at __它 watch.

a: why was it running?

b: because it was late.

a: where was it去?

b:__去 a tea party __和 the mad hatter, the march hare and a mouse.

a: i see! was there a king and a __女王?

b: yes.

a: and what were they doing?

b: the queen was玩 in the garden and the king was __坐on the grass. and the cheshire cat was sitting __上 a tree and was笑 at everyone.

a: and let me __猜…then alice __掉down a rabbit hole and went __入their strange world.

b: tony! do you know the book?

a: yes, it’s alice’ adventures in wonderland每个 boy and girl in britain读it.

part4alice was getting very __累。 she was sitting __和her sister __旁the river and her sister __读 a book. alice had nothing __做一两次) she looked into her sister’s book, but it __有 no** __和 conversations in it.

“and what is a book __为什么想 alice没有 pictures or conversations?”

so she was thinking of __做a daisy chain when suddenly a white rabbit with pink eyes ran by her.

there was没什么strange __关于 that. and she didn’t think it was strange when she __听 the rabbit __说,“oh, dear! oh, dear!

i’ll __迟到!” but when the rabbit __拿 a watch out of its __口袋 and looked at it, alice站起来。 a rabbit with a pocket and a watch.

she ran __穿过the field __跟着it. she saw it go down a __大rabbit hole __在…下the hedge.

then alice went down after it and __没有 __思考about how she was going to get out __再。

part5a: mmm …that闻起来 delicious! what are you __做?

b: hi伙伴们)! i’ve __做a pizza. h**e __一些。

a: ok. yes, it’s great.

b: what’s the问题, daming?

c: it __尝起来 too __浓。i’m __害怕 i don’t like cheese. it doesn’t smell __新鲜。 no, _谢谢。

d: well, i’ve made some chocolate甜饼尝一尝!they taste __的确sweet.

c: that’s much __好多了。

b:you’re __穿 a lovely sweater, lingling.

d: yes, it __摸起来very soft and comfortable.

a: you __都look very smart. and so多food! are we __举行 a party?

d:we’re going to the airport去见my friend sally __来自 london.

c: what’s she长怎么样?

d: i h**en’t __见 her, but she __听起来 really nice.

b:and she looks very __漂亮 in her __**。

a: let’s看。hm, yes, i see what you __意思。

d: and then we’re __来 back here to h**e something吃。

a: you must introduce me __给 her.

b: sure we will. we’ll回来 __很快。

d: see you __后来。

part6hi lingling,__谢谢for your __上 message., it was great收到 you. you sound很有趣 and i can’t wait见 you.

i hope you will认出me __从my photo when i __到达 at the airport. i’m很高 with short fair hair, and i wear __眼镜。i’ll wear jeans and a t-shirt __为 the旅行,but i’ll __也 carry my warm coat.

i’ve __有your photo---you look这么漂亮,so i’m __相信we’ll find互相。

thanks for __告诉me __关于what you like __做。you sound just __象me! i __花a lot of time with the school orchestra, but i also like dance music—i love __跳舞。

i enjoy __运动 as well尤其tennis. my brother is __队长of the school tennis team –i’m very __自豪of him! and i work __努力 at school—i feel __愚蠢when i get bad __分数and i get __生气 with __我—i should work __努力。

you __问me how i feel about __来to china. well, at __一 i often feel有点 sad when i __离开my mum and dad for a few __天,and i’m quite shy when i’m with __陌生人。 i feel __不安 when i __说chinese, but i’ll be __好after a few days.

i’m always __难过 when i do something __错误, so please __帮助 me __做 the right __事情 when i’m with you in china! oh, and i’m afraid of __飞。 but i’m very __兴奋about __来to china!

see you __下week!

love sally


八年级上英语词汇检测module 1 一 中英文互译。每空1分 1.两个人,一对2.改正,正确的3.拼写。4.练习5.意义,意思6.把 填完整。7.向 提出意见 忠告8.赞同9.语法。10.改进,改善11.主要的,基础的12.错误。13.字母14.理解,明白15.过去式。意见,建议17.应该18.可...

八年级英语 上 M

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