
发布 2022-12-11 13:25:28 阅读 4608



was cold yesterday. i病倒了).

2. the teacher生……的气) them because they were late for school.


what are youwhen you

4. tina is kind. many students want to与……交朋友) her.


thereexcitingthis afternoon.

6.你最好不要工作太长时间。 youwork too long.

7. 熬夜有害于你的健康。

your health.

8. 我对表演很感兴趣。\我很喜欢表演。

iacting.\ iacting.

9. 我过去很喜欢听摇滚乐。irock music.

10. 多激动人心啊。

11. 多可爱的一只狗啊adog!

12. 昨天这个时候你正在干什么? what __youyesterday?

我在搞清洁。 i

13. 我同意你的意见。\我不同意你的意见。

iyou.\ iyou.

14. there are至少) 200 people going to the meeting.

15. the shark mainly以……为食) fish and other sea animals.

will be越来越多的) wide roads in our city.

17在……帮助下)my teacher, i passed the exam.


19. joskating更喜欢) climbing mountains.

20. tom was able to swim在……岁时)six.

some hot water. it willyou使……变暖和)。

停止了工作)at 7 o’clock yesterday.

people h**e a两天的周末)nowadays .


must s**e每一滴水).

26. you should wear warm clothes toyourself保护……免受……)the cold.

27. is there别的什么事) i can do for you?

28. could you tell us how the ice形成)?

29. you’d better查阅) the new words in the dictionary.

30. i’ll尽……最大努力)to help him.

31. your exercise will be fun代替,而不是) work.

32. lily好好照顾)her mother when her mother was ill.


八年级英语上m5 8词汇运用。part1a i like this music who s it by?b well,i m not sure,but sally s school乐队 is playing it.c it s by strauss.you ve heard of 他 h en t ...


unit s11 12单词及短语。chorepartner n.dish n.洗餐具。sweepv.照看 照顾。trashn 取出。折叠 折起来 one s bed living room meeting n.从事 忙于。憎恨 憎恶vdo chores laundry the laundry sna...


单词表默写卷 黑体 unit 1 几乎,差不多。反对。学期。加油,欢呼 喝彩。队,组。获胜,赢得。划船。相当,十分。一点,一些,少量 加入,参加,连接 会合 俱乐部。溜冰。排球。网球。梦,梦想。成长。将来。工作。精力旺盛的 积极的。打破。纪录,唱片。金的。遗憾的事。单一的。山,山脉。度过 花费 金钱...