新目标英语八年级上Unit2期末复习学案 含详细答案

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how often do you exercise?


1. -how often do you usually go shopping? —sometimes/twice a week. 有时候/一周两次。

1) go shopping 意为“去购物”。go+ v- ing : 表示进行某项活动。如:

go swimming/ shopping/skating/skiing/fishing/climbing/hiking

2)频率副词:always=all the time, usually, often, sometimes=at times , hardly ever, never

(1).sometimes: 有时候;sometime:某时;some times:许多次/倍; some time: 一段时间。

(2). hardly(adv): 几乎不硬的;困难的;严厉的;勤奋的 a hard writer

努力地; 猛烈地study/rain hard

3)how often表示“多久一次”,是对动作的频率进行提问。其回答通常有:

频率副词: always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never

how often 次数+时间段: 如:once or twice a week

every +时间段: every day (每天) 区别:everyday(每天的;日常的)

注意:表示“一次或两次”时,一般用once和twice表示。如:once a month(一个月一次)

而表示“三次或以上”时,则用“数词+times”结构。如:five times a year (一年五次)


1howmany+ 可数名词复数如:how many programs

howmuch+不可数名词。 如:how much coffee

但how much=what’s the price of..?还有“多少钱”的意思如:howmucharethosepants?

2)how many times: “多少次”. 其答语表示次数。如:once ,twice,three times等。

3) how old...询问年龄如:how old are you? i am five.

4多久(时间) 常用 for two days,for three hours等回答。

多长(某物的长度) 如:--how long is the river? -10 kms.

(5)how soon 用来询问过多久,多久以后,其答语是in two hours,in three days等。

如:how soon wil he come back? in an hour。

3空闲的”:are you free tonight4. at least 至少 at most 最多。

be free “自由的”: a free country freedom(n) 5. stay up 熬夜

免费的”: work for free6. junk food 垃圾食品。

7 “满的;饱的” …be full of… :the bottle is full of water. 瓶子里装满了水。

忙的”=busy he had a full life

8.she says it’s good for my health. 她说那对我的健康有益。

1)be good for:“对……有好处”。 如:doing exercise is good for our health.

2)be good at:“擅长于……”如:he is good at playing football.

3) be good to sb./sth: “对……好” 如:the old woman is good to us.

(4) be good to do sth.: 适合;宜于” 如:the water is good to drink.

(5) be good with: “与……相处好” 如: the teacher is good with his students.

9.go online = use the internet :上网10. teenager magazine 青少年杂志。

11. more than two hours=over two hours:超过 12. go to the dentist: 去看牙医。

13. keep healthy = stay healthy = keep in good health: 保持健康。

14. ask sb. to do : 叫…做某事 teacher asked me to clean the classroom.

ask sb. not to do sth.: 叫…不要做某事 teacher asked me not to clean the classroom.

ask sb. about sth. :问某人某事 we asked our students about their free time activities.

ask sb. for sth. :向某人要求… 如:ask teacher for help

15. help sb. with sth. 如:they help me with this problem. 他们帮助你解决这个问题。

help sb.(to)do. 如:they help you (to) solve this problem. 他们帮助你解决这个问题。

16n) 惊讶: to one’s surprise 令某人惊讶的是 in surprise 惊讶地

surprisebe surprised at sth. 对… 感到意外

v) 使惊奇、意外: be surprised to do sth. 惊讶做某事。

be surprised that + 从句。

如:i was surprised at the news = i was surprised to hear the news.

17. fifteen percent of the students 百分之十五的学生 16. swing dance 摇摆舞。

18. although(conj):“尽管;虽然”,表示转折关系,同义词有though, 不能与but同时使用。

如: although they’re neighbors, they don’t play together.

= they’re neighbors, but they don’t play together. 尽管他们是邻居,但是他们不在一起玩。

19. maybe (adv): 也许,大概 (maybe) he (maybe) knows it.

may + v(原):也许,大概 he may know it.

如:maybe he is at home.= he maybe is at home.= he may be at home

20. old habits die hard. 恶习难改。 die(v):死亡;消失 death(n): 死亡;

dead(adj): 死的; dying(adj): 垂死的;临终的;(植)枯萎的 dying wish---遗言。

are the results. 以下是结果。

22. most students use it for fun and not for homework.

can spend time with your friends and family as you play together.

度过(时间如:spend the weekend with family

花费(时间、钱) 如:he spent 20 yuan (in) buying the magazine.(v-ing)

同义句:he spent 20 yuan on the magazine.

he paid 20 yuan for the magazine.

it took him 20 yuan to buy the magazine.(动词用不定式)


1. 在周末你干什么?我通常看电视。what do you do on weekends? i usually watch tv.

2. 你多久看一次电视?每天都看。how often do you watch tv? every day.


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