
发布 2022-12-28 16:32:28 阅读 9919





一、听力(共四节, 30分)



)1. a. b. c.

) b. c.

) b. c.

) b. c.

) b. c.


听一遍,根据你所听到的对话和问题, 从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并将其字母代号填入机读卡相应空格内。

) test will the boy h**e?

a. english. b. mathc. chinese.

) team is alice on?

a. basketball. b. volleyball. c. football.

) will the girl do on sunday?

a. she will h**e a violin lesson.

b. she will visit her grandparents.

c. she will h**e a piano lesson.

) the girl watch tv last night?

a. yes, she did. b. no, she didn’t. c. we don't know.

)10. what does the girl do on sunday afternoon?

a. she practices speaking english.

b. she plays computer games. c. she reads books.


)11. what does the boy want to do?

a. h**e a party at his house.

b. h**e a party at school.

c. h**e an exhibition at school.

)12. what does the boy h**e to do?

a. do his homework. b. do the shopping. c. do some chores.

)13. which room does the boy need to clean?

a. the bedroomb. the living room. c. the bathroom.

)14. what is the boy's father doing?

a. he is writing a report.

b. he is writing a letter.

c. he is writing a book.

)15. what will the boy's mother buy for the party?

a. fruit and drinks. b. drinks and vegetables. c. drinks and snacks.



)16. mary feels terrible, so she doesn’t go to school.

)17. the doctor thinks mary should exercise more.

)18. in the afternoon mary feels better and goes to school.

)19. mary's teacher and classmates come to see her in the morning.

)20. miss smith thinks mary shouldn't read a book now.


)21is difficult to work out the maths problem.

a. this b. that c. it d. its

)22. they __a tv show at this time yesterday.

a. watch b. watched c. were watching d. are watching

( )didn’t come to the partyher sister.

a .so did b. so didn’t c. neither did d .neither didn’t

)24. the old man lives , but he never feels .

a. lonely;lonely b. alone;alone c. alone; lonely d. lonely; alone

( )25you do ,i will support (支持) you .

a. however b. whoever c. whenever d. whatever

)26. the teacher told us __in bed

a. don’t read b. read not c. to not read d. not to read

)27. the old man was __angry __say a word.

a. so, that b. as, as c. too, to d. very, to

)28. why __home tomorrow

a. not go b. not going c. not to go d. didn’t go

)29. the tv set is too loud. will you please

a. turn down it b. turn it down c. turn up it d turn it up

)30. her son __coke, but now hemilk.

a. used to drink ; is used to drinking b. used to drinking ; drinks

c. is used to drinking ; used to drink d .is used to drinking ; is used to drinking

)31. they didn’t go to bed the work was finished.

a. when b. while c. until d after

)32. —could you please go to the movies with me tonight?

—sorry, my mother is ill in bed, and i h**e toher.

a. take care of b. take a walk with c. take over d take after

)33. don’tthe dog. it’s dangerous, it’ll bite you.

a. play withb. play c. play for d play to

)34. could you please the floor.

sweepb. swept c. sweep d sweeping

)35. —mum, could i go shopping with you?

—yesbut you h**e to finish your homework first.

a. you canb. you couldc. you can’t d you should

)36. —i can’t find him. what should i do?

—maybe you should __

a. call him up b. keep him out c. hear of him d cheer him up

) is important people learn team spirit.

a. of; ofb. of; toc. for; to d to ;to

) oftensome money from others, but he doesn’tanything to anybody.


2010 2011学年度玉桥中学八年级物理竞赛试题。班级姓名得分 一 选择题以下各小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个是正确的,把正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内 每小题3分,共75分 1.一场大雪过后,人们会感到外面万籁俱静。其主要原因是。a.大雪后,行驶的车辆减少,噪声减小 b.大雪蓬松且多孔,对噪声...


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