八年级英语下册阶段性检测 期中

发布 2022-12-28 16:28:28 阅读 8846




he is __young __he can`t look after himself.2.我想把这些书捐赠给贫困山区的孩子们。

i’d like to___these booksto the children in the poor mountain areas.3.不要总拿我和别的孩子做比较。

don’talwaysmeother children.

4. lucy和lily昨天下午4点钟在游泳。

lucy and lilyat four o’clock yesterday afternoon.


the students reached the great wall, they took photos.


as a mountain climber, aronrisks.


i h**e toafter getting up every morning.


the students h**ehomework to do at school.


i don’t mind working hard.


1. what’s the matter ?(同义句转换2. i was doing homework at 9:00 yesterday.

就划线部分提问youat 9:00 yesterday?②改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答。

youat 9:00 yesterday?

3. could you please clean your room ?(做肯定回答4. i’ll help to clean up the city parks.

改为一般疑问句help to clean up the city parks?②改为否定句iclean up the city parks.四、选择(2×7=14分)

1my watch doesn’t work.

a. why are you here b. how do you doc.

what’s wrongd. what’s this2. it is necessaryothers when they are in trouble.

do you think so?a. for us to helpb.

of us helping c. of us to helpd. for ushelping

3. her sister ellen enjoysthe pop music and so does to listenb. to listen toc.

listeningd. listening to4. could you please __in the hallway?

a. not to run b. not run c.

don't run d. not running5. what __you __when she came in?

a. did, dob. are, doingc. do, dod. were, doing

6. -how are you __your classmates? -very well.

a. getting on to b. getting along with c.

****** on with d. ****** along for7. why not __to thank your teachers?

a. ****** cardsb. to make cards c. make cardsd. made cards


1. max is very good at __tell) jokes.

2. my english teacher often helps me __learn) don’t know what __do) next.

4. while johnwalk), he saw a cat in the tree.


满分 100分建议考试时间 120分钟。一 音汉互写 10 加 要拼音 bq i飒飒星火燎原兮 垒森严 跷。二 诗文默写 10 城春草木深。2 恨别鸟惊心。2 家书抵万金。白头搔更短4 化作春泥更护花。2 三 文言文阅读 10 明天顺 间,丰庆为 河南布政使,按部 行 县,县令某墨 吏也,闻庆至,恐...


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