
发布 2022-12-28 16:31:28 阅读 8740




第一部分听力 (共四节满分20分)


根据你听到的句子,选择句中包含的信息。本题共有5个小题,从下列各题 a、b、c 三个选项中选出一个最佳答语。(每小题读两遍)

) chairb. charityc. challenge

) snacksb. snakesc. slight

) comeb. comingc. came

)4. a. publicb. clubsc. pupil

)5. a. pictureb. picnicc. person


) say that. b. i’m sorry to hear that. c. i’m sad.

) youb. i’m happyc. i am sure.

) i’d loveb. yes, i’d like toc. yes, please.

) sportsc. sleeping.

) i didb. i took a busc. i remember.


听下面两段对话,从下列各题 a、b、c 三个,选择最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。


)11. what is the most important thing should jack pay attention to?

a. the weatherb. enough foodc. a mobile phone.

does jack need to take a mobile telephone?

a. because he can call his friends during the walk.

b. because he can get help from others when something happens.

c. because he can know the time.


)13. how long will the man’s holiday last?

a. 15 daysb. 10 daysc. 25 days.

)14. what is the man’s wife going to do?

a. readingb. fishingc. climbing the mountains.

)15. when will the woman visit europe?

a. not mentioned. b. next summer. c. this summer.



)16. what was the husband like?

a. he was small and thin.

b. he was large and fat.

c. he was tall and strong.

)17. when did the man get his pay?

a. every monthb. every dayc. every friday.

)18. what was his wife doing when the man hurried into the living room?

a. listening to the radio and eating apples.

b. watching tv and waiting for her husband.

c. listening to music and cleaning the room.

)19. how did the husband get the ten thousand dollars?

a. he s**ed the money little by little.

b. he bought the lottery tickets.

c. he found the money in his office.

( )was his wife angry with him?

a. he got ten thousand dollars.

b. he bought the lottery tickets.

c. she thought he hadn’t given her all the money.


第一节单项选择 (共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

)21. -what’s the matter? the young mother looks worried.

her little baby boy has___fever.

the (

)22. it is not allowedin the crh train during the whole journey.

a. smoke b. to smoke c. smoking

)23. reading too many books at night __bad for our eyes.

a. beb. isc. are

)24. may day is coming soon and we need to __a plan for the coming holiday.

a. depend on b. come up with c. put off

)25. scottbasketball when the rainstorm came.

a. played b. playsc. was playing

)26. -would you like tea or coffee?

i just had a large glass of water 5 minutes ago.

a. noneb. eitherc. neither

)27. the old lady feelsthough she lives with her two sons. .

a. happyb. lonelyc. alone

( )28. many parents are alwaystheir children with others.

that’s sometimes bad for their children.

comparing c. controlling

( )29. i am busy these days, so peterson is going to h**e the report __

imagine c. instead of

( )30.–-i’mnewhere.






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