
发布 2022-12-28 16:13:28 阅读 3985

一、 短语回顾:

1、argue with sb.与某人争吵 2、out of style 过时、不时髦的 3、in style 时髦的,流行的 4、keep out不让进入

5、enough money 足够的钱 6、what’s wrong ? what’s the matter ? what’s the problem ?怎么了?

7、write sb. a letter \ write a letter to sb.写一封信给某人 8、call sb.

up \ give sb. a call打**给某人。

9、a ticket to a ball game 一张球赛的票 10、surprise sb. \give sb. a surprise 使某人惊讶。

12、on the phone用**交谈,在通话

13、pay for 付钱 14、borrow sth. from sb.向某人借某物

15、lend sth. to sb.把某物借给某人 16、ask sb.

for sth.向某人要某物 17、sell cds**光盘 18、radio program电台节目

19、need to do sth.需要做某事 20、buy sth. for sb. \buy 为某人买某物 21、find a part-time job找一份兼职工作

22、get a tutor找一个家教 23、not original enough不够新颖24、the same as 与…一样 25、find out 发现、查明。

26、someone else 其他人 27、le**e sth. somewhere 把某物留在某地 28、seem to \ seem like 像 29、try to do sth.尽力做某事 30、invite sb.

to do sth.邀请某人做某事 31、be angry with sb.生某人的气 32、fail in the math test 数学考试失败

33、get on \ along well相处得好 34、fight with sb.与某人打架 35、give me some advice 给我一些建议 36、look for 寻找

37、learn to do sth.学会做某事 38、not busy enough 不够忙

39、from…to…从…到… 40、take …to …带…到… 41、not… until 直到…才… 42、it’s time to do sth. \it’s time for sth.该做某事的时候了 43、fit…into … 找到时间做某事 44、as…as possible尽可能。

45、too much pressure 太大的压力46、complain about 抱怨。

47、take part in 参加 48、pushy parents 一意孤行的父母。

49、seem to\ like好像\似乎 50、a mother of three三个孩子的母亲 51、send … to … 送…去… 52、compare … with … 和…进行比较 53、on the one hand …,on the other hand 一方面,另一方面 54、a bit more 多一点。


1、what should i \ he \ she \ they do ?我\他\她\他们应该做什么?

2、i often argue with my parents . 我经常和父母争吵。

3、my clothes are out of style , but yours are in style .


4、you could write him a letter . 你可以给他写封信。 (write sb. a letter \ write a letter to sb)

5、you could give him a ticket to the ball game . 你可以给他一张球赛的票。 (a ticket to…)

6、i don’t want to talk about it on the phone . 我不想在**上谈此事。

7、i need to get some money to pay for the summer camp . 你需要一些钱来支付夏令营。

8、you could borrow some money from your parents . 你可以向父母借些钱。 (borrow sth.

from sb. 向某人借某物 lend sth. to sb.


9、you could ask your parents for some money .你可以向父母要一些钱。

10、everyone else was invited except me . 除了我之外,别人都被邀请了。 (区别else和other 的用法)

11、can you give me some advice ? advice不可数名词,suggestion可数名词)

12、the tired children don’t get home until 7 pm . not … until 直到…才)

13、they might find it difficult to plan things for themselves .

14、on the one hand , children need organized activities , on the other hand , they also need time and freedom to relax . 一方面… 另一方面)

15、he doesn’t h**e any money , either . 区别either和too)

一、选择题 1、-he has never been to beijing

a. either b. too c. also

2、they are good friends , but sometimes they __each other .

a. argue of b. argue c. argue with

3、i’m lucky to get a ticket __the football match .

a. tob. of c. with

4、i h**e some problems , can you give me some __

a. advice b. advicesc. an advice

5、i’m very upset because everyone did very well in the last test __me . a. with b.

besides c. except

6、don’t __your sports shoes at home ; there is a class this afternoon. a. left b.

le**e c. forget

7、do you h**e __to tell me ?

a. something other b. anything other c. anything else

8、my friend tommy always gets __well __his friends .

a. along , and b. on , with c. on , and

9、i won’t stop running __i catch you .

a. until b. when c. after

10、—what are you doing ?

—i’m writing __a. a letter he b. him a letter c. he a letter

完形填空。the computer is a machine that works very fast. it can add numbers much faster than a person___36___it can remember better than a person.

it can do many___37 __things. at school a computer can 38 math. it can help boys and girls read, write and spell.

it can remember the names of all the students in the school. computers can help people drive cars and __39___planes. a spaceship needs many computers.

telephones and televisions use computers, too. some computers, called fax machines, can __40___letters. the letters __41 __very fast.

a computer can remember what is in a store. it knows all the prices. it tells you___42___to pay.

it gives you change. computers can play games,__43___a computer named big blue is very good at playing __44___it beat the best chess player in the world. computers are changing the way we live.

many people think that in the future computers___45___in lots and lots of everyday life.


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