
发布 2022-12-28 07:02:28 阅读 4183

unit 2 i’ll help to clean up the city parks. 听力试题、材料及答案。

level 1 基础篇。


) run away b. run off c. run out of

)2. b. kindness

) clean-up day day day

) alone b. lonely c. friendly

) difficult b. difficulty c. difficulties


)6. what could the girl do to help people?

a打扫公园 b.看望住院儿童 c.分发食物。

)7. what’s tom going to do after school ?

a.张贴标语 b.散发广告 c.捐赠自行车。

) are the two speakers probablely talking

an animal hospital. b. at animal helpers. the zoo.

)9. which of the three didn’t bill do ?

a.帮助老人洗衣服 b.给老人读报 c.替老人浇花。

)10. how does the boy usually go to school?

a. on foot. b. by bus. c. by bike.

) can’t the boy go to school?

a. because he has a fever.

b. because he has a stomachache.

c. because he eats too much junk food.

)12. how far is the nearest supermarket from here?

a. 5 minutes on foot. b. 15 minutes on foot. c. 5 minutes by taxi.

) does jack do?

a. he is a he is a teacher. c. he is a student.

)14. how soon will sally come back home?

a. in 4 days. b. in 2 days. c. in 6 days.

) will the girl do tomorrow?

hiking . up signs. to school.


)16. when will the students go to the old people’s home?

saturday morning . b. this sunday morning . sunday morning .

)17. where will the students meet?

the at the school gate c. at the gate of the old people’s home.

)18. how are the students going to the old people’s home?

a a subway. there.

) are the students going to the old people’s home?

a. because they can make much money from the old people’s home .

b. because they can get many presents from the old people .

c. because they can learn to care for the old people.

)20. which of the following statements is wrong?

are still young ,so we don’t need to care for the old people now .

b. we are all going to be old one day,so we should learn to care for the old people now.

c. we are students, so we should do as many as we can to make the old people happy.

level 2提高篇。



)1. a. volunteer b. volunteers c. volunteered

)2. a. different b. differences c. difference

)3. b. understands c. understand

)4. a. disabled

) up up c. put on



)6. what did helen do in an old people’s home?

a. 打扫卫生 b.做午饭c.读报谈心。

)7. where does lily’s daughter want to go for the holiday?

a. london. b. paris. c. bejing.

)8. what sport does tim like?

a. basketball b. swimming

) does mario green want to be when he grows up?


)10. how’s the weather in summer in mexico?

a. rainy. c. sunny.

)11. where are they probably talking now?

a. in a theatre b. in a restaurant. c. in a museum.

)12. who has the girl's bike now?

a. tom. b. sally. c. michael.

) did the woman ask the man to do?

a. to turn down the to turn off the radio. c. to turn up the radio.

) does mike want to buy?

raincoat. t-shirt. sweater.

) often does the bus run?

a. every ten minutes b. every twenty minutes. c. every thirty minutes.




) 16. why is the boy sitting on the ground?

a. because he fell off his bike and hurt his leg.

b. because his bike is broken.

c. because he is playing on the ground.

) 17. what’s the girl going to do for him?

a. to take him to to call the boy’s to take him to his home


) will the two speakers go for the picnic?

a. by the lake. b. in the mountain c. in the park.

) will the two speakers go there?


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