
发布 2022-12-28 06:58:28 阅读 7288


you are in for a treat!

这天,同事们正在讨论为我和 rhonda 开生日 party的事情,为了尊重寿星,大家让rhonda 和我选择一家中意的餐厅。rhonda建议去镇上一家叫做bbq的美国餐厅。我从来没有去过那里,于是就问她那里有什么特色。

rhonda便开始滔滔不绝地介绍他们的招牌菜,听得我十指大动,直咽口水,rhonda便笑着说: “you are in for a treat !”


(rhonda 笑着解释说: “you are in for a treat means you’ll like it !”

猜一猜。itissoweak,thatalittlewindcanmoveit. itissostrong, thatyoucutitwithaknifeand le**enotrace(痕迹).

whatisit? (water)

名著名言】yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift昨天属于历史,明天是未知的谜,而今天是赐予我们的礼物。

——kung fu panda 《功夫熊猫》


it’s 3 my brother tom is cleaning his room. my sister, mary, is watching the tv show and eating sandwiches. where’s my mum?

is she shopping in the mall? sure, she knows i want a camera and a toy bird. now i’m playing near the swimming pool.

i’m so happy to wait for my mum.


课程目标】1. 复习现在进行时的用法。

2. 区别bring, carry, fetch和take.


1). please bring your calculator to every lesson. 请每堂课都带计算器来。

2). bring your friend to the party. 请带你的朋友来参加宴会。


1). the mother carries her baby in her arms. 母亲怀里抱着她的孩子。

2). let me carry this suitcase for you. 让我给你拿这个箱子。


1). we had to fetch water from a stream far away. 我们不得不从很远的小溪去取水。

2). i asked her to fetch me an evening *****. 我让她去给我拿一张晚报来。


1). take the letter to the post office. 把这封信送到邮局去。

2). take the cheese away, it smells. 把奶酪拿走,它变馊了。

3). she put on her glasses and took the letter from my hand.她戴上眼镜,从我的手里把信拿走。

3. 肯定句变否定句。


1). be + not (be: am, is, are, was, were)

2). 情态动词 + not (情态动词:can, could, may, might, must, ought to, etc.)

3). 其它: do not, did not, does not + 动词

综合练习】.multiple choices:

( )1listen! someone is in danger. let’s hurry.

a. helpb. come in!

c. what’s the matterd. what are you doing?

( )2. —would you show me the photo of your family?

ok! i willit here next week.

a. takeb. carryc. bringd. catch

( )3. weany chinese class on thursday. weenglish class now.

a. aren’t h**ing, are h**ingb. don’t h**e, h**e

c. don’t h**e, are h**ingd. aren’t h**ing, h**e

( )4. the twinsred skirts today. they look fine.

a. are wearing b. are putting on c. are weard. put on

( )5. today is my birthday and my mother isa cakeme.

a. ******, to b. ******, for c. doing, tod. doing, for

( )6. —what is wrong with the watch? —itwork.

a. aren’tb. doesn’tc. don’td. isn’t

( )7. —does tom live hereyes, he

a. doesn’tb. doesc. isn’td. will

( )8hard? why don’t they stop working?

a. isn’t it raining b. hasn’t it rained c. isn’t it rain d. aren’t it raining

( )9. every night the noise

a. wakes him out b. wake up him c. wakes him up d. wake him up

( )10. the sunin the east andin the west.

a. raises, set b. rise, setsc. rises, setsd. rises, set

( )11. the starsvery small because they’re very far away from us..

a. areb. lookc. changed. become

( )12. the roomcool in summer and warm in winter.

a. feelsb. is feelingc. feels to bed. is feeling to be

( )13. you don’t look sowhy not go to see a doctor?

a. wellb. betterc. badlyd. happy

( )14. his temperature(体温) seems

a. rightb. all rightc. welld. true

( )15. the cake smells

a. wellb. badlyc. goodd. terribly

( )16you free now? i h**e some questions to ask you.

a. willb. doc. ared. would

( )17. whatthey doing now in the forest?

a. isb. arec. dod. was

( )18. the young peoplein the mountain and they __planting trees now.

a. is, areb. are, arec. are, wered. was, were

( )19. the girl beautiful at all.

a. isn’tb. doesn’tc. didn’td. aren’t

( )20your mother a bus driver?


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