
发布 2022-12-23 14:30:28 阅读 9979

同步课堂。unit 2 numbers


边学边做。task i


1. a long time ago, there was a king in india

2. one day, a wise old man came to the palaceand the king challenged him to a game.

3. if i win the game, i’d like one grain of rice ..and then double the amount for each of the rest of the squares

4. the king and the old man played the game for a long time.

5. he put one grain on the first quare, two on the second, and so on

6.“ i can see nothing but an empty field, ”the young man said

7. from then on he was not lazy any more.

8. he worked hard all year round

task ⅱ


rest请先观察下面例句中rest 的用法,然后补全结论部分所缺的内容。

例句】can only drink one glass of wine and the rest is yours. 我只能喝一杯酒,剩余的是你的。

some of the food for the rest of us. 留些食物给我们其余的人。

h**e a rest every two hours. 他们每两个小时休息一下。

结论】通过观察可知,rest 用作名词,意思是“其余”或“剩余部分”,总是与连用如例句1;其后也可跟of 短语,如例句2。rest 也有“休息”的意思,h**e a rest 是其常用短语,意思是“休息一下”,如例句3。


1. 我留了几本书,余下的给他了。

i kept a few books back and g**e him

2. 我有点累了。让我们休息一会儿。

i’m a little tired. let’s


请先观察下面例句中promise 的用法,然后补全结论部分所缺的内容。

例句】want you to promise me. 我想让你给我做出承诺。

promised to write to her. 他答应给她写信。

3. mr green has promised his son a newcomputer.

= mr green has promised a new computer to his son.


结论】通过观察可知,promise 意为“承诺、答应”,通常用作及物动词,如例句1。promise 后跟动词时,要用动词不定式/动名词)形式,如例句2;promise 也可跟双宾语,形成promise sth. to sb.


拓展】promise 也用作名词,意思是“承诺、诺言”,常与keep, break, make等动词连用。例如:

he said he would write to me but he broke his promise. 他说会给我写信的,但他说话不算数。

don’t forget to keep your promise. 不要忘记信守诺言。


1.我向你保证,事情并非那么容易。 (翻译句子)

it is not that easy; i


he promisedme with my homework.

yang promised me a reward (报酬).(改为同义句)

miss yang promised a reward

边做边学。task i


would like to h**e 500克) of meat.

2.__检查) the letter ’s address again before putting it in the mailbox.

3. i often use a calculator to add large数字).

4. i won a奖品) because i guessed the right answer.

5. when he意识到) his mistake, he hated himself.

6. xie jun is from china. she is very good at playing国际象棋).

7. for over 100 years, people h**e looked for___**) in the hills.

8. if you cannot go, let me go __

9. lily had a cold, so she couldn’t go swimming with the __of her class.

10. mr smith is aperson. he has much knowledge of music and painting.

task ⅱ


from then on, one grain of rice, all year round, and so on, win the game, nothing but, a long time ago, work hard

1. they are interested in art, music, books

2. his wife left in 1979 andhe has lived alone.

3. don’t scold (责骂) her; she’sa child.

4. he had toto support his family.

5. we shouldn’t wastewe should eat up every grain of rice in the bowl.

lived on earthbut later disappeared.

are going tothe other team is not strong at all.

weather here is very good; we can swim

task ⅲ


one day in summer, little jack was playing

on the beach with his father. suddenly, he saw a little tortoise moving slowly on the sand. he started to look at it carefully and began to touch it with his hand.

to his surprise, the tortoise stopped moving. it pulled in its head and legs, and closed its shell tightly. he touched it again but the tortoise didn’t move at all.

jack became angry. he used a stick and tried to force (强迫) it to open.”

when his father saw this, he stopped him and said,“no, son, you mustn’t do that! you will kill the tortoise. you won’t get it open with a stick.

jack was curious, and asked,“why?”

“just wait and see,”his father replied. then he picked up the tortoise and put it in a bag.

after they came back home, the father took the tortoise out of the bag. he put it near the fireplace ( 壁炉). after a few minutes, the tortoise began to move a little.

then the tortoise stretched out ( 伸出) its head and legs. at last, the tortoise began to crawl across the room.


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