
发布 2022-12-14 18:15:28 阅读 5514

chapter 5

一、单词:1. pyramid (埃及)金字塔。

2. rush 迅速移动;冲。

3. cry 叫;喊。

4. plain 平原(pain; plan

5. order 命令;要求。

6. main 主要的;最重要的

7. drag (使劲吃力地)拖;拉。

8. celebrate 庆祝;庆贺

9. stupid 愚蠢的

10. giant 巨大的。

11. secret 秘密的。

12. army 军队。

13. seize 抓住;捉住。

14. sail 航行

15. enter 进入

16. pretend to 假装。

16. historical历史(上)的

17. legend 传说。

18. handsome (男子)好看的;英俊的。


1. except for 除了……之外

other = one another 互相;彼此。

2. be able to = can/ could 会;能。

3. get rid of 摆脱;除去。

once = right away 马上;立刻。

5. try to do sth. 试图做某事 / 尽力做某事


7. go to sleep 去睡觉。


9. in front of 在。的前面(外部)

the front of 在。的前面(内部)

11. steal…from… 从…偷来。

the past在过去。

13. think of想到;认为;觉得

back to = return to 返回;回到。

15. be excited about 对…感到兴奋

16. not any more = no more 不再

17. make jokes about 对…开玩笑。

a trick/ joke on sb. 玩弄某人。

19. be angry with sb. 生某人气

angry about/ at sth. 因某事而生气

21. talk about = talk…over = discuss 讨论。


1. succeed in = be successful in = achieve 成功。

eg: i am successful in working out the problem.

2. two days later = after two days两天过后。

3. stop to do sth停下来去做某事

stop doing sth. 停止做某事。

4. le**e sth. sp将某物落/留在某处

the boy left his schoolbag at home yesterday. 昨天这个男孩将他的书包落在家里。

5. take turns ( to do sth.) 轮流;依次。

they take turns to sing songs. 他们轮流唱歌。

take 的词组。

take off 脱下take away 拿走。

take part in 参加take a seat 就坐。

6. ▲too + adj./ adv. to do sth. 太……不能……

= so + adj./ adv. that + 主语(代词) can''t/ couldn''t do sth. 如此。以致不能。

eg: the boy is too young to go to school这个男孩太年轻而不能上学。

= the boy isn''t old enough to go to school.

= the boy is so young that he can''t go to school.这个男孩如此年轻以致他不能上学。

eg: the girl got up too late to catch the early bus yesterday.

= the girl didn''t get up early enough to catch the early bus yesterday.

= the girl got up so late that she couldn''t catch the early bus yesterday.


7. 国家国的人 --复数表达形式。

greek 希腊人greece 希腊---greeks

america 美国american 美国人---americans

china 中国chinese 中国人 --chinese

japan 日本japanese 日本人---japanese

england 英国englishman 英国人---englishmen

germany 德国german 德国人---germans

8. giant 巨大的。


big --用于具体的、有形的人或物。


huge---指体积巨大有“very large”的意思。





/ shout loudly 喊叫。

he cried :“that is not true.”

命令。order sb to so sth 命令某人做某事。

for 除了。

except for 与 except ,but , besides的区别。

except 表示除了……之外 ( 不再有 )

we went to the park except him.

besides 表示除了……之外( 还有 )

besides his wife, his daughter also went to see him.

but 与 except 同义但 but 多用于every, any, no构成的词后。

except for 表示 “排除一点肯定全部”而且被排除的部分与前面的部分的名词肯定不是一类事物。

根据2单元课文完成完型填空 【例题讲解】1

we held a meeting after school. pansy, joyce, millie and i were 1 the meeting. first, we decided 2 the chief editor.

tony suggested joyce. he said,” we should choose joyce 3 she has experience. she was the editor of her class news***** last year.

then we all voted for her. we elected joyce to be the chief editor.

then joyce took charge of the meeting. she said ,”we ought to elect a secretary next.” she asked 4 suggestion.

millie said,” arthur should be the secretary, because he has experience 5 . he was the secretary of the chess club last year.”

then the others voted for me. they elected me to be the secretary. i started talking notes.


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