
发布 2022-12-28 05:25:28 阅读 9877

unit 10 it’s a nice day , isn’t ? 学案。


第一课时:(section a 及语法)

一. 学习目标:1。反意疑问句的理解的使用。2。 本课时重要词组。

二. 重难点:反意疑问句。

三. 学法指导:学生预习,教师点拨,习题巩固。多读多记。

四. 本课时重要词组:

look like 看起来像 i hope so 我希望如此 by noon 直到中午 the no . 15 bus 第十路公共汽车 look through 浏览 in an elevator / lift 在电梯里 wait in line 排队。

take an umbrella with sb 随身带着雨伞 cross a busy street 穿过一条繁忙的街道。

五. 语法:反意疑问句(p99 附加疑问句)

1. 反意疑问句的形式:一是“肯定陈述句+ 否定简短句”。二是“否定陈述句+肯定简短句” 。反意疑问句的前后两部分在时态、人称和数上都要保持一致。如:

it looks very beautiful ,doesn’t it 它看起来很漂亮,不是吗?

he doesn’t need to work so late , does he ? 他不必工作到那么晚,是吗?

2. 反意疑问句的回答:

其答语为:肯定事实用yes ,否定事实用no , 就其语调而言,如表示疑问、怀疑或没把握,常用升调,如表示事实,有把握或加强语气,则用降调。

3. 反意疑问句的使用规则:

当陈述句中有be 动词,助动词或情态动词时。

反意疑问句的附加疑问部分由“be/ will / h**e / can / could 或它们的否定形式+主语 ”构成,要符合“前肯定后否定, 前否定后肯定”如:

they are in the same class , aren’t they ?他们同班,对吗?

you h**e had supper ,h**en’t you ?你吃过晚饭了,对吗?

she can’t sing , can she ? 她不会唱歌,对吗?

he will go hiking ,won’t he ?他要去远足,对吗?

当陈述句中有实义动词时反意疑问句的附加疑问部分由“don’t / doesn’t / didn’t +主语或“do/does /did+ 主语 ”构成。如:

tom likes skating ,doesn’t he ? 汤姆喜欢滑冰,对吗?

you don’t play football ,do you ? 你不踢足球,对吗?

they didn’t go there ,didn’t they ? 他们没有去那里,对吗?

当陈述句为there be 句型时附加疑问部分的助动词要与陈述部分的助动词相对应,而且主语用there 如: there used to be a house there , didn’t there ? 那儿过去有一幢房子,对吗?

there aren’t may books on the desk , are there ? 课桌上没有很多书,对吗?

特别注意:当陈述句中有little ,few , never , hardly ,seldom , no ,nobody , nothing , nowhere 等否定词或半否定词时,附加疑问部分的助动词要用肯定形式。 如:

she has few friends ,doesn’t she ?她几乎没有朋友,对吗?

he has never been there , has he ? 他从没去过那儿,对吗?

she seldom comes late , does she ?她很少来迟,对吗?

nobody is away , is he ? 没有人离开,对吗?

六. 专项练习:将下面的反意疑问句补充完整。

1 they built the barn last year2. you didn’t discuss our plan

3. the flood hasn’t destroyed the buildings

4. the policeman will point out the way to the museum

5. the man wants a larger suit6. mary doesn’t like salad

7. she can swim very well

8. there is going to be an english party tonight

9. he has little time to play

isn’t your sister

11. let’s h**e a rest

七.section a 针对性练习: 1。用所给单词的适当形式填空。

girls are playing beach volleyball in thesand ) beach .

2across ) the bridge ,and then you can see the bookstore on your left

must driveslow ) because the traffic is very busy .

father islook )through the news***** now .

is oftenwind )and sometimes it has sandstorms .


1.今天是个好天气,不是吗? it is adayit .

2. 看起来要下雨了。 itrain

3. 你认为今天他会来吗?do you thinkcome today ?

4. 65 路车就停在这儿。 the no.65 bus just

5. 我希望你明天能早点来。i __you can come heretomorrow .

八.本课时必背课文: 1c .3a

section b and self check

主备人: 陈京豹二备人:

一。 学习目标:1. 本课时的重要词组和句子。2. 通过3a 短文来学习写便条。



friday night’s game 星期五晚上的比赛

what do you think of = how do you like ….你认为。。。怎么样?

a ball game fan 一个球迷 h**e a wonderful time 过得很愉快 = h**e a good / great time

thank you so much for 。。非常感谢你。。。be friendly to sb 对某人友好

feel like 感觉好像。。。h**e a hard time doing sth 做某事有困难

come along 出现,发生。help sb with sth 帮助某人某事

get along = get on 常用with 搭配 “与sb相处得好”


much did that shirt cost ? 那件衬衫花了多少钱?

3. what do you think of the school ? 你认为这个学校怎么样?

4. sometimes it isn’t easy being the new kid at school .but i had a wonderful time on saturday night.


5. i feel like part of the group now . 现在我感觉自己成为大伙的一员了。

6. i was h**ing a hard time finding it until you came along .在你来之前,我正在费力找这学校。

7. i enjoyed meeting carlos 我很高兴见到carlos .

8. he said he’d help me with my math project .他说他会帮助我学习数学。

9. be careful to look both ways before you cross the street .在你横穿马路之前请注意左右看看。

五.本课时必背课文:p80 3a


) much does the train ticket __from harbin to beijing?

) will never forget what happened __the afternoon of may 12,2008.


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