
发布 2022-12-27 15:38:28 阅读 2825

八下unit 7 comic strip & welcome to the unit


1 特别,尤其2. 基础的,基本的。

3. 教育4. 权利。

5 扩散,分布,展开6. 零花钱。


unicef, oxfam, orbis, world vision, world wide fund for nature

1works to help blind people.

2works to protect the environment and wild-life.

3works to fund development projects in poor areas around the world.

4works to help people in poor countries.

5works to provide children with basic food, health care and basic education.


1. more国际性的) charities should be set up for poor people.

2. i h**e enoughmoney (零花钱) to buy some stationary.

3. they had fought hard for equal权利).

4. every child must h**e基本的) education.

5. unicef also works to prevent the扩散)of some serious diseases.

四、h**e you ever done any fund-raising activities for charities? what did you do?



1. 我还剩下一些零花钱,我们买一些吃的吧。

i h**e somelet’s buy

2. 她太激动了以至于一句话也说不出来。

she wasa word.

3. 课外活动的时间到了。

it’s time

4. 她长大后想为贫困地区的妇女和儿童争取平等权而工作。

she would like toof children and women in poor areas when she grows up.

5. 这个富人给孩子们提供了一些电脑。

the rich mansome computersthe children.

6. 别担心!我会带你去你妈妈的餐馆。

don’ti’llyouyour mother’s restaurant.

7. 你留有一些零花钱。

8. 我太虚弱走不动了。

9. 它还为阻止一些严重的疾病的扩散而工作,如艾滋病。

10. 它为贫困地区的孩子提供基础教育。

八下unit 7 comic strip & welcome to the unit


oxfam needs money .hobo has wants to __it to the charity. he also wants to ask eddie to give pocket money to it’seddie said to hobo “i am __weaki can’t walkhobo replied that he would take him to h**e a big __and it was only fiveleft.

二、 根据句意和首字母和中文意思完成句子。

6. would you please donate some (口袋) money to the charity ?

7. excuse me ! can you stand a bit (更远) away ?

8. don’t (担心) .i will help you with your homework later .

9. health (保健) is one of the most important things in our daily lives .

三、 根据汉语意思完成下列各句。

1. 我太累了不能走了。

i’m2. 她习惯于在饭后散步。

sheafter meals.

3. 让我们首先吃一顿午餐。

let’s4. 你知道全世界有多少慈善机构吗?

do you know how manyin the world?

八年级 下 Unit7 Unit

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