八年级下知识点 彩

发布 2022-12-26 03:51:28 阅读 1159

1、 你看起来很焦虑/食物味道好极了… tastes / smell / look / listen / feel 系表结构。

2、 我买书花了5元。 spend / cost / take / pay(for)

3、 with:他是一个带深度眼镜的小个子。/中国是个历史悠久的国家。/她很高,一头长发。 without:人没有空气或水无法生存。

4、 瓶里装满水。be full of /操场上都是学生。be filled with

5、 好像每个人都很满意。/他似乎知道这个秘密。seem

6、 susan和jane一样漂亮。/kate和maria学习一样努力。这本书不如那本新。/michael不如jim跑得快。as…as

7、 对。有好处(be good for) be adj. prep(be nervous about)

8、 邀请/教/建议/命令/告诉…某人做… ask / teach / advise / order / tell sb to do sth

9、 时间过得真快! 感叹句what/how

10、习惯于/被用来做…/过去常常… be used to doing/be used to do/used to

11、在某人十几岁时/几十岁时 in one’s teens/ties


what he said made me happy. /we make him our monitor.


he must/can/may be at home. /he can’t /may not at home.


must ||needn’t/don’t h**e to

14、他们在会上轮流发言。 take turns to do sth / do sth in turn

15、他在准备晚餐。prepare/ask/search(搜查)/le**e for

16、在路上 on the/one’s way to

17、你最好(表建议)you’d better (not) do

18、我想…/你想…吗? i’d like…/i want…||do you want to…?/would you like to…?

19、我看到你做… see sb do/doing

20、我盼望… look forward to doing

21、玩得很开心 enjoy oneself/h**e fun doing/h**e a nice(good/great/wonderful) time


23、到…度三天假 go on a three-day visit to sw

24、大约20分钟的路程 it’s about 20 minutes on foot/20 minutes’ walk.

25、在…东面 in/on/to … east(west/north/south)

26、忍不住/禁不住 can’t/couldn’t help doing

27、向某人寻求帮助 turn to/ask sb for help

28、避免…… **oid doing

29、由于/因为害怕…… since/because afraid

30、做…似乎… it’s seems adj to do (that)

31、警告/提醒… warn sb of/against doing sth

32、倍数表达 …time(s) as much as…

33、停止/记得/忘记做某事… stop/remember/forget to do/doing

完成/避免… finish/**oid doing

34、答谢/答应请求,接受提议 it’s pleasure/my pleasure,with pleasure

35、in order that/to so…that

36、wish sb. n/adj.(success/successful) wish sb to do sth (hope sb to do sth x)

i wish i could fly.(虚拟语气)

37、would you mind if…?/would you mind doing…?

38、it’s adj/n(for/of sb) to do sth.

39、cooking is fun.(参不定式做主语)

40、请随便吃(喝)……请自便… help yourself(ves) to…/make yourself(ves) at home

41、这儿有一张两人桌。here is a table for two.

42、销售 on sale 注:sale有两层含义:①销售 ②减价、降价销售。

43、比如/例如后接繁琐的词组:such as 后接例子、句子:for example/instance (首选)

44、值得…/值得做… be (well表语adj.) worth doing sth

45、据说/据报道/据称…… it’s said/ reported / told that (that引导的主语从句)


not only…but also…/either…or…/both…and…/neither…nor…

47、越…越… the 比较级… the 比较级…

48、so…that/such…that 注意:little 参p117


work hard and you will pass the exam./if you work hard, you will pass the exam.

use your head and you will find the way./if you use your head, you will find the way.

50、可否定前置的动词 don’t think/believe/supplies/expect(**)…


52、you are what you wear (表语whatthat )

缺少成分[主语/宾语] /不缺 )


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