
发布 2022-12-25 01:41:28 阅读 9950


1. nobody wantedsound) stupid.

2. this beautiful story is about a girl whobe) poor but kind.

3. two brothers came to the citymake) special clothes for the emperor.

4. they were tryingcheat) the emperor.

5. when hewake) up, his f**orite tv show was on.

二。 根据汉语, 完成英语句子。 ※

6. 他的想法听起来很愚蠢,所以没有人同意。

his ideaso nobody agrees with him.

7. 你能为我做件漂亮的裙子吗?

can youa beautiful dressme?

8. 很久很久以前,有一个穷人…

there was a poor man…

9. 你知道《皇帝的新装》这个故事的内容吗?

do youanythingthe story the emperor’s new clothes?

10. 俩兄弟来到这个城市为国王做特别的衣服。

two brothers came to the city tofor the emperor.


) 11. jim’s family made a surprising partyhim.

a. tob. forc. atd. on

) 12. this is a story about a man who lovedclothes.

a. buying and lookb. bought and looked

c. bought and lookingd. buying and looking

) 13. —what about the food on the plate? —itdelicious.

a. smellingb. smelt c. smells d. is smelt

) little girl has a very beautiful and sweet

a. noiseb. voicec. sound d. throat

) 15. i didn’t go to bed11 o’clock.

a. afterb. orc. because d. until


1. the clever boy made a plans**e) himself and his sister.

2. although it was very hot, they keptwalk) along the way to school.

3. the stepmother didn’t let her own daughterdo) anything.

4 . western children became interested inread) this story.

5. unless we do, wenot find) our way out.


6. 有一年,天气太干燥了,寸草不生。

one year, the weather wasno food would grow.

7. 韩塞儿制定了一个计划来拯救自己和他的妹妹。

hansels**e himself and his sister.

8. 他们一直走着,直到看到了面包做的房子。

they keptuntil they saw a house

9. 花香引领他们来到一座奇妙的房子前。

the smell of flowersthema wonderful house.

10. 我一进门,katherine 就高兴地叫起来。

i went in, katherine cried with pleasure.

11. 我把雨伞落在火车上了。

imy umbrellathe train.


1. they h**e beenmarry) for ten years.

2. howluck) that boy felt!

3. she ispopular) than you.

4. he is one of the bestsing) in china.

5. the old woman makes alive) by selling clothes.


) 6we were eating dinner in the restaurant, the owner’s dog took my bag away quietly.

a. whileb. as soon as c. because d. until

) 7. i didn’t go to bed11 o’clock.

a. afterb. orc. because d. until

) 8. if you don’t go, i shall not

a. toob. alsoc. neither d. either

) 9. sheher clothes at eight last night.

a. is washingb. was washing c. washed d. washing

) 10. could you tell me the waythe zoo?

a. onb. toc. ind. at


八年级英语导学案。课题 unit 6 i m going to study computer science.section a 主备人 授课年级 8 时间 2016 9 29 学习目标 1.掌握本节课单词及短语。2.学习be going to do表示将来的语法知识。3.掌握重点句型 谈论人生目标...


一 短语动词分类 1.动词 介词。ask for请求belong to属于look at看。look after照顾learn from向 学习remind of提醒take after与 相像2.动词 副词。take away拿走wake up醒来put off推迟give out分发think ...


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