
发布 2022-12-23 23:39:28 阅读 1915



八年级(下)复习之unit 1



1. the young man often oto help his mother with housework.

2. they are going to rmoney to build a school for the poor children.

3. i didn’t pfor my house, my parents bought it for me.

4. we should learn to control our swhen we get very angry.

5. many old people feel very l___when they live alone.

6. she showed great c___when she faced the danger. she was so br**e.

7. my little brother fell from his bike and h___his leg.

8. a girl in our社区) lost her parents in an accident. we are trying to help her.

doctor said there was nothing严重的) with me.

doctor g**e him some medicine to reduce his p疼痛) in stomach.


went to help thedisable) children in hospital.

12. asteenage), we can learn to solve problems by ourselves.

13. i’m confident about thebetween mary and i .

14. our schoolorganization) an activity to help the poor children last week.

15. she got anill), so she had to stay at home for a year.

16. she loves thepeaceful) in the countryside.

17. i met a lot ofdifficult) when i tr**eled to qinghai alone.



1make his dream come true, he works very hard.

2. although he met a lot of problems in his study, hework hard and didn’t give up.

3. he is sad because of the failure in his exam. let’s do something to

4. he broke his leg yesterday and hewalk now.

headache last night.



it makes us happy to do some

7. 你将来想做什么?

what do you want to do

8. 我这个周末准备去帮助那些需要帮助的孩子。

i am going to help the childrenthis week.

9.如果你想独自出去, 你得报请批准。

you will h**e toif you want to go out alone.

10. 这个包太重了,你能帮我一下吗?

the bag is too he**y, could you please __me



1、 我准备这个周末去爬山。(i’m planning to…)

2、 你能允许我们出去一会儿吗?(could you please give us permission to…?)

3、 我希望进入一所好的高中学校。(i wish to…)

4、 你准备怎么去帮助别人?(how are you going to…?)

5、 我正在考虑去做一些有趣的事情。(i’m thinking about…)



1. our teacher g**e us 10 minutesabout the question.

a. thinks b. to think c. thinking d. thought

2. my father decidedsmoking.

a. giving up b. to give up c. give up d. to giving up

3. you may take a horse to the river, but you can’t make it

a. to drink b. drank c. drink d. drinking

4. i didn’t ask himto my party, but he came.

a. to come b. come c. came d. coming

5. you can use a tool __a fire.


adam’s parents were poor. adam wantedgo) to a good university. but it was very expensive to study there.

so he had to go to work during his holidaysmake) money. he did two jobs at the same time. he got a job in a butcher’s (屠夫) shop during the daytime, and another in a hospital at night.

in the shop, he learntcut) meat up quite nicely. the butcher often let himdo ) the work. in the hospital, he was alloweddo) the ******st job.

adam was very tired every day, but he was happy to make money.


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