
发布 2023-01-05 16:22:28 阅读 7902

目标: 征服英语 i came. i saw. i conquered. 我来。 我见。 我征服。

1、-i h**e a friend named ben. 我有一个叫做ben的朋友。

-wow, small world. i h**e a dog named… 哇,世界太小了。 我有一只狗叫做….

-stop it! 停,别说了!

2.-i was fired. 我被开除了!

-it’s too bad. 真是太糟了!

-too bad? it’s not too bad… it’s a tragedy!




-i hate to get up early in the morning. 我讨厌早起。

-but you h**e to. 但是你必须早起 h**e to 不得不。

hate to do=hate doing 讨厌憎恨做某事。

4、hurry v. 赶紧。

hurry up,or you will be late for class.


she hurried off to look after her mom 他匆忙离开去照顾母亲。

hurry off 匆忙离开做某事。

5、--wow that cake she made was delicious. 她做的蛋糕太好吃了。

--totally agree 完全同意。

6、wish and hope 别用错。

新年贺卡上一句话 best wishes to you 给你良好祝愿。


i wish you happy new year. 祝你新年快乐。

但是i wish you that you can enjoy happy new year.

wish +that 表示不能实现的愿望。


tomorrow is tom’s birthday. i will buy him a about you?

i will buy a book for him.


-this one is too small for you show me another one?



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