
发布 2022-12-28 12:43:28 阅读 4341

初中英语八年级下units 1-2 复习。


1. tell me your苦恼). maybe i can help you..

2. i had a cold, so i had to go to the医院).

3. i didn’t see her because there were too many乘客) on the bus.

4. alice usually下车) the bus at the red hill station.

5. at last, jim同意) to help me with my english.

6.—would you like to visit the s___kids in the hospital?

---sure, i’d love to.

7. lisa h___to work in beijing in the future.

8. wang tao gets a strong feeling of s___when helping others.

9. the girl is going to vin an after-school reading program to read stories to kids.

10. they are ****** some n___to tell people about the program.

11. my right leg got hurt, so the doctor put some mon it.

12. my head feels hot. i should take my t

13. i am ti want to h**e something to drink.

14. d**id went to see a dentist because he had a t

15. i ate too much junk food yesterday, so i h**e a snow.

16. -should ieat) an apple a day? -yes, you should.

17. li hua cut herselfcook) dinner last night.

18. lily is weak, so she oftenh**e) a cold.

19. my brothereat) too much for dinner yesterday evening.

20. grandfather has a fever and he islie) in bed now.


1. if it snows tomorrow, theythe football match.

2. the child helped the teacherthe new books to the class.

3. don’t worry. i’ll help you___your room.

4. the little boy looks sad. let’s __him __

5. in the end, grandmaa good idea about how to h**e a wonderful birthday party.

6. would you please notsigns around here?

7. jenny is not at home now. you can __her___tonight.


1. 这个女孩从自行车上掉下来伤了她的左腿。

the girlher bike and __her left leg.

2. 做决定前你应该先问问你的父母。

youyour parents before

3. 林涛喜欢冒险,所以他妈妈总是担心他。

lin tao likesso his mother is alwayshim.

4. ann切苹果的时候切了自己(的手)。

annwhen __an apple.

5. 这个标志(sign)的意思是你可以把车停在这儿。

the __means you canyour car here.

6. martha想要帮助无家可归的人。

martha would likepeople.

7. 你可以给孩子们送礼物并让他们振奋起来。

you couldthe presents to the children


how can wefor the poor peole?


these students would likea sports club to help weak kids.

10. 周老师经常讲故事鼓励学生。

mr. zhou often __stories tostudents.


ibeing a guide at a museum.

12. 在我们周围遇到如此多的好人,我们总是感到很幸运。

we alwaysso many kind people around us.

13. 这次慈善活动让那些无家可归的孩子拥有新家成为可能。

this charity activityfor those homeless kids to h**e new homes.


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